"When you begin to think outside the box, you often become some other "leaders" lousy follower. That usually costs something" (Andy Rayner)

"Our guardian angels are bored." (Mike Foster)

It's where I feel I'm at these days. “In the second half of life, it is good just to be a part of the general dance. We do not have to stand out, make defining moves, or be better than anyone else on the dance floor. Life is more participatory than assertive, and there is no need for strong or further self-definition” (Falling Upward. Richard Rohr.120).

Saturday, January 4, 2014

If You Don't Share Our Enthusiasm For the Vision - Get Out! Ok Let's Go!

Saw this posted on FaceBook Today. I think it is from the movie about Him.
"If you don't share our enthusiasm and care for the vision for this company, get out. You're done!" (Steve Jobs)
Yes, and when a person does leave quietly just as you told them they should, you get mad that they left.
If they can't get with the program, they are criticized for not getting with the program. Character assassinated as rebellious and uncooperative people. Accused of being poor team players or possessing little vision. Dividers of the body of Christ. The measuring stick is not Jesus, it's their cooperation with our plan. Pretty low and sick standard.

When we are on the top (That is what leadership is now), this kind of talk appeals because we are doing what we want, the vision "we" chose so we can't fathom why EVERYONE can't see this is the best ,of the best of the best. When you are in the bottom to middle, we are the work horse for those with the vision on top. That's your value, to promote and forward what they want to do (And it's all passed off as Jesus-ey) . If you can't perform as the cog, or will not, get out!

I've actually heard church leaders brag at leaders conferences about the fact that they tell their members the very same thing. We are excellent managers honing our executive leadership skills.

I've read many articles that suggest Steve jobs was a very lousy person to work with. It's not unique to him, it's a common attitude of the personality type drawn to these positions and statements of power.

Any leader like this is hard to be around, because all rises or falls on his vision and program.
The leaving people are not even suggesting the vision is wrong, not good. It may very well be good. They may be simply saying, "This is all fine, but it's not my vision, not my choice of how I see Jesus leading me to serve him and others."

Is there really not a place to lovingly do something different? Is our value and worth, the time and attention give or receive, the friendship we are extended or not, the grace we extend or withhold,  based on my response to your orders? We use these checks to manipulate people for that cause, or don't waste my time. I don't really like you, but you serve my purposes, and when you don't, Get out! Get Lost! I'm not going to miss you. This really is a window into our heart. Who doesn't want to "go" from people like this?

When we treat people like objects, gears in a cog; it has little to do relationships, and unity. If people are a cog that needs to roll, or get out of the way, they should get out. In fact, they should run, run very far away from people like us.

So, are we actually going to suggest to people that they need to get in line with our vision, or they are disobeying Jesus?

Have we thought about the fact that their vision is a vision too? Like it or lump their vision.
We have to extend the same ability to others to like or lump our vision too. It goes both ways baby.

If we are going to talk like this, at least as Christians, we have to be much more gracious when people do "get out", thank them even wish them well on their way.

We are getting out in masses. No crying now! After all, you did tell us to, "Lead, follow, our get out of the way. (Oh wait, you did not ask us to lead because you took that job from us, you are not about to listen to us).

We all need to grow up and stop manipulating people.

When I hear people say things like, "If you don't share our enthusiasm and care for the vision for this company, get out." 

I want to reply. Ok, let's go!

I'm to a position in life and leadership that if I talk like that,  I welcome people telling me the same thing.
"Ok, let's Go!"

They are realizing I'm not really looking out for them, I'm treating them like a cog, not a human being and friend for life.

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