"When you begin to think outside the box, you often become some other "leaders" lousy follower. That usually costs something" (Andy Rayner)

"Our guardian angels are bored." (Mike Foster)

It's where I feel I'm at these days. “In the second half of life, it is good just to be a part of the general dance. We do not have to stand out, make defining moves, or be better than anyone else on the dance floor. Life is more participatory than assertive, and there is no need for strong or further self-definition” (Falling Upward. Richard Rohr.120).

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Simple Church Being Re-Defined?

Bless everyone's efforts to grow the kingdom, by any means and method, that retains the integrity fo Christ in the process. So Ya.... here it comes.... However, this week I noticed a church conference with pastors and leaders, and the theme for the leaders was simple church. There are things in the "Simple Church" concept of organizing church that I really appreciate. So I thought that this was going to be great thing coming to the church dialogue. A nice refreshing thing to see this entering the dialogue and conferences.... a refreshing balance to how leadership is portrayed, and churches that are programmed to death. Well here is what the seminar was described as
Simple Church – This “Q & A Session” will provide the participant with the specifics of a “Staff Led, Elder Protected” church governance model in a more conversational format. Participants will be invited to ask questions and get answers, leaving the sessions with a clear and detailed understanding of this critically important part of developing a successful church growth strategy. Simple Church … Embracing Healthy Systems – An important part of any church growth strategy is the identification and development of formal systems, processes, and methods that help staff to lead well through building a strong, effective infrastructure. But first, church governance and leadership structure must be setup such that ministry professionals have needed authority to make ministry decisions. From exploring the inner workings of a “staff led, elder protected” leadership structure to the specifics of a structured approach to organization and execution, this workshop will challenge traditional thinking and help the participant to view his or her leadership responsibility in a new, more effective way.
It certainly makes it easier to get things done.... But it goes back to the very lack of confidence in Jesus. That Jesus can shepherd his people, and move them in service to the world.... and we do not have to treat them like babies who can't hear his voice and follow his lead. And Common every day people can be part of this whole multiplication process..... it need not be in the hands of professionals. Is this Sinful? No..... is it rooted in NT scriptures.... no... its simply secular management philosophy brought to market the church. Is that sinful and wrong? No..... Can it help churches get better at management.... certainly! But I can't promote this to the body of Christ personally, and I certainly do not want anyone to set me up as that kind of leader, with that kind of power over the body. I don't trust my heart enough to be a good steward of this power enough that I would always keep Jesus's will at the forefront. Frankly I don't want to turn my ministry and service over to these kind of church leaders, or people to turn that over to me..... When that should be turned over to Jesus alone. I only know this.... Leaders only do what they want to do, only what fits their gifts, only what they are excited about, what delights them to do, and that suites their temperaments, and what fits their personal will and vision.... And we all pass it off as Jesus will for you too.... It can certainly honor Jesus, and do so well. However, leaders don't see the full picture, they see theirs... Not a criticism.. Just a reality, and you should be aware of this. did this for over 20 years. Good men, but normal men..... they are not super giants, and why are you letting men point you to do for christ.. Ask him yourself.... and do it. It's always possible that Jesus wants many other things done, other than the exclusive vision of one local church, and leadership. We don't have to put all our eggs in their visionary basket, nor should we. Some, sure.... All is not required. Is this simple church? Oh my word, No! This is what I'm running from actually. It is the opposite of "Simple Church"..... It's a Heavily structured, and a highly managed and controlled System, with a few making all the decisions. Which is fine.... But I personally I can't walk there. Nor can I teach, live or promote it. I'm not professional enough, gifted in management enough, and frankly I don't want that power over a group of people to be given to me. Give that to Christ alone. I'l help you, I'll walk with you as you try to figure it out. But I will not substitute my voice, and my vision for Christs, to you direct with no middle man me stuck in the way..... AJ

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