"When you begin to think outside the box, you often become some other "leaders" lousy follower. That usually costs something" (Andy Rayner)

"Our guardian angels are bored." (Mike Foster)

It's where I feel I'm at these days. “In the second half of life, it is good just to be a part of the general dance. We do not have to stand out, make defining moves, or be better than anyone else on the dance floor. Life is more participatory than assertive, and there is no need for strong or further self-definition” (Falling Upward. Richard Rohr.120).

Friday, April 4, 2014

The Andy Manifesto - Where I Am Manifesto

Andy Manifesto..... 

Andy Manifesto.....  Having had the opportunity to form, lead, or participate in  "ecclesia",  in simple forms, under mango trees, off and on for 20 years... it changes how I see "ecclesia". What is required for ecclesia to be practiced is very simplified to me.  So my forms and locations and thoughts on basic biblical necessities to practice ecclesia are different. Incidentally, good or bad, my theology has changed little. I've not tried to join any new thing movement, model or fad. This has been my life for a long long time. Long before terms like "missional" or "organic" existed. Even as a minster i had a hard time faining concern over what some people get worked up about in church.... the issues were mostly over control and who wins and has the right to bully the flock toward their preferences. Rarely crucial matters.
I have never ceased to be alarmed at how we say, "where two or three"... but when anyone practices that ( well in africa it's ok- but not here)  how hostle, suspicious and questioning the loud people get when that means we are not at their church.
I can honestly say I have never been misused by any congregation I have been part of. Good people and good folks. A joy to walk with... well most of them. I'm simply helping people find Him, who are not "going there" yet...immersing myself among them.... as a missionary.
I was once called the PEI HOUSE Church Expert and was quite horrified. He meant nothing buy it and had no issue with the house church idea. But, house churches can be, and many are, just as dysfunctional as any other group. Location changes nothing. I said to that Baptist Minister that I kind of resent that title because it is very misleading.  I have advocated for simplicity.... I asked if he realized that to this day I have never told anyone not to attend a traditional church, and go to a house church instead. In fact,  everyone I've worked with I have directed to a local church encouraging them to go there. Stating that what I do is not for everyone, not just anyone understands this idea and can appreciate it.   We have had people gathering in our home, and elsewhere, but no one has been with us more than a few months, and move on to the fringes of traditional churches to varrying degrees. I have never formed an "every week" house church... though, admittedly,  I would like a tribe of spiritual buddies to walk with for life.  I've never hung a "house church" shingle.

I do advocate to people that they be with people who challange, grow, and encourage them and where they can do the same for others. A people who talk and talk Jesus. No one grows in Jesus sitting in a pew without people interaction on a deeper level.  Most don't have this connection, nor can they find people like that to walk with... in church, or a house church. Suffering alone with no real spiritual buddies. 
We are partners in addressing this little secret, not enemies.

Having said this I can say I have preferences. Is that a bad thing? Does that mean I must be bitter?   I have never ever told a church leadership what style of music to play or pushed them to do something I preferred in musically. I've sat silent thanking God for those who serve that way... even if I don't prefer it, or care to be part of it myself. (I still despise some blue grass gospel.... I can't get past the drawl whine in some of it to hear the words...:-)  but I don't ask those people to stop playing their style of musical worship. I feel no compulsion to change that, or them)
I prefer simplicity, not stage, dialogue over monologue style preaching and teaching. Always was uncomfortable with traditional pulpit form and being the guy doing that. But love the dialogue teaching contexts, especially unscripted ones.
As leadership and minstry shifted from shepherd and teacher, to manager or CEO of many things, events and complicated programs, policies and papers....you lost me. I no longer qualify...... it was not me "leaving Ministry"... it was the ground shifting under me.... and I either moved with it, or had to take another focus. I took another form of ministry. I once qualified (well maybe) and soon found (or felt) I now do not, with the shift. I predict many a young ministry men and families being consummed and totally crushed under the new pressures and stress. I see the signs all over the guys and families, as wives look on and see their husbands driven, but slowly dying and being consumed bit by bit by something they can't identify.  It breaks my heart. I was one of them.
Maybe, in a way, Africa ruined me.... I don’t need anything more than people, gathered in his name with his word to be his body.  I will continue help people discover him...

I chose over decade ago, to serve simply. It took time to grow into that choice.  No agenda, no movement. Organic, house, missional, other terms, were terms I never heard of back then.  But in was very refreshed, and I felt less isolated (or crazy), when I discovered there are others also taking simple ways. When I read Neil Coles book "Organic Church", in 2005 it helped me to realize I'm not the only one.... there are millions of us... and we are not running away as many accuse we are running to more depth more service.

I was tired of living two different ministry lives. One way of doing things in Africa, another here in Canada.  So we decided to live consistant to our views, and biblical ecclesia values in both places -  one philosophy of ministry for life and ministry so to speak. 

So I've not gone emergent,  missional, house, organic, or what ever handles people have. Maybe "Organic fits????... but i'm still not sure what that term means. :-)
Though I read widely some of these materials  from these sources too, and enjoy "SOME" of their perspectives... because I need to hear this stuff.  We have much to learn about simplicity and rawness of where people, in reality-not in theory, are. What people are saying in groups is often not what they are really believing or following or asking in private.... people have a lot of things they want to talk about... but can't in church...they feel they can not...they have seen what happens to people who "question" things, or who say I don't see it that way. So they just sit silent. This is where I want to walk and work, hearing them and searching with them for answers to questions they have

It's been about knowing Him, with others. I have long felt the "busyness" of a good few things was an exhausting fruitless busyness burning out the people who run them, for little fruit.  Things that really could stop today, at no harm to the local church, nor compromise any scripture. I know I am far from alone in this sentiment. So I chose to be a steward of these things and made choices, personal choices. They are not a model for you or anyone else to follow. No matter what I write or say...  some people think they have me figured out and are mistaken (After all, if you quote it, you MUST beleive every word from that author after all ;-)... I know they are mistaken because these types have never sat down and chatted about these things (anything of substance anyway) with me. But I frankly don't care to explain to the austrization temprament people why I should belong.... I don’t want what they have (or what they insist I should have) enough to care.
Transformation of the sad old me, my community, the world, and walking with anyone seeking Him- seeking this transformation, is what I'm "On".
I could care less about music style, and grew tired of 20  hours of prep on a sermon with 30% (or more) of that time being devoted to making a shiny, showy, delivery. I'm not the charisma guy. Give me content, the shiny package don't impress me much, i don’t need it. My preaching package is not shiny enough to impress you much either, if you require shiny.  Developing "Stage Shiny" is a waste of my time, and life; not interested.

I tried to be what others wanted me to be in temperament and personality... (what is it they really think a minster should be like anyway? It's not human... not Andy anyway.. ) and I realized something; I simply can't stop being me..no matter how hard I try. I can't fit some peoples illusions for me.  I hurt and bleeded for too long trying though.
I'm not seeking your approval,  nor permission to serve Jesus, like me.  Good job, as I've rarely received either... but that is ok... can we still be brothers and sisters?
Can we serve together without the measure of my faithfulness being reduced to measurement of how much I throw myself into (run, manage, volunteer) your church programs and events, how I park my butt in your church?
I WAS, (still am?) one of them.... one of those who asigning motives like bitter or disgruntled to anyone who did not tow the line and agree to be eyeball deep in local church programs,  (after all, who could ever possibly survive spiritually without them right? ;-))
Criticizing those who would not "commit" to one local church body... . I've discovered some are people (not all for sure)who recognize and walk with the body of Christ at large. They fellowship with the body in many local congregations in the region refusing to get tied down into programs and events that prevent them from spending time with people and discipling people. Forgive me for judging you in the past..... now I see...
I'm glad the body is bigger than my local church, bigger than me, bigger than my plans, bigger than me and my visions and hopes. I'm glad Jesus can direct his people ( if they are asking) so I don’t have to plan their life and service for them.

I'm thankful for those who run and support local churches, as is, for decades. Keep it up. How do you do that? You work very hard. I'm also thankful for those who rattle me, shake my status quo stupor, and challange me by asking, "Why exactly are you so doggedly insistent in this, this way, anyway?", "Why do you think you have to do that? Why are you doing that?"

I'm serving in a way I can bear. If you insit I must do ministry your way, the way I used to, it will crush me and my soul and I will not make it. I'd literally die young trying. Do you really want that? So, I'm here walking forward to Him... I can be your brother, if you will let me. We can discuss, grow, chat, talk, teach and encourage each other. But if it's got to be on the terms of you pushing me to reduce my serice to running programs at your local church and plugging in to one local church...launching all I do from that building- I can't. I promise, I will not pressure you to serve my way either. I'm not angry or bitter.... are you? 
Going forward.

  get past the drawl whine to hear the words...:-)  but I don't ask those people to stop playing their style if worship. I feel no compulsion to change that or them)
I prefer simplicity, not stage, dialogue over monologue style preaching and teaching. Always was uncomfortable with traditional pulpit form and being the guy doing that. But love the dialogue contexts.
As leadership and minstry shifted from shepherd and teacher, to manager or CEO of many things, events and complicated programs, polocies and papers....I no longer qualifed...... it was not me leaving... it was the ground shifting under me.... and I either moved with it, or had to take another focus. I once qualified (well maybe) and soon found (or felt) I now do not, with the shift. I predict many a young ministry men and families being consummed and totally crushed under the new pressures. I see the signs all over the guys and families, and it breaks my heart. I was one of them.
Maybe, in a way, Africa ruined me.... I don’t need anything more than people, gathered in his name with his word to be his body.  I will continue help people discover him...

I chose over decade ago, to serve simply. It took time to grow into that choice.  No agenda, no movement. Organic, house, or other wise were terms I never heard of back then.  But in was very refreshed and I felt less isolated (or crazy) when I discovered there are others also taking simple ways. When I read Neil Coles book "Organic Church", in 2005 it helped me to simply realize I'm not the only one....
I was tired of living two different ministry lives. One way in Africa, another here in Canada.  So we decided to live consistant to our views, and biblical ecclesia values in both places -  one philosophy of ministry for life and ministry so to speak.  So I've not gone emergent,  missional, house, organic, or what ever handles people have. Maybe "Organic fits????... but i'm still not sure what that term means. :-)
Though I read widely some of these materials  from these sources too, and enjoy "SOME" of their perspectives... because I need to hear this stuff.  We have much to learn about simplicity and rawness of where people, in reality-not in theory, are. What people are saying in group is often not what they are really believing or following in private.... people have a lot of things they want to talk about... but can't in church...they feel they can not....this is where I want to walk and work.

It's been about knowing Him, with others. I have long felt the "busyness" of a good few things was an exhausting fruitless busyness burning out the people who run them for no reason.  Things that really could stop today, at no harm to the local church, nor compromise any scripture. I know I am far from alone in this sentiment. So I chose to be a steward of these things and made choices, personal choices. They are not a model for you or anyone else to follow. No matter what I write or say...  people have me figured out (so a few think thet do) and are mistaken (After all, if you quote it, you MUST beleive every word from that author after all ;-)... I know they are mistaken because these types have never sat down and chatted about these things with me. But I frankly don't care to explain to the austrization temprament people why I should belong.... I don’t want what they have (or what they insist we should have) enough to care.
Transformation of the sad old me, my comminity, the world, and walking with anyone seeking Him seeking this transformation, is what I'm "On".
I could care less about music style, and grew tired of 20 hours of prep on a sermon with 30% (or more) of that time being devoted to making a shiny, showy, delivery,. I'm not the charisma guy. Give me content, the shiny package don't impress me much, i don’t need it, and my preaching package is not shiny enough to impress you much either, if you require shiny.  I tried to be what others want in temperament and personality... (what is it they really think a minster should be like anyway? It's not human... not Andy anyway.. ) and I realized something; I just can't stop being me... and I can't fit some peoples illusions for me.  I hurt and bleed for too long trying though. I'm not seeking your approval,  nor permission to serve Jesus, like me.  Good job, as I've rarely received either... but that is ok... can we still be brothers and sisters? Can we serve together without the measure of my faithfulness being reduced to measurement of how much I throw myself into (run, manage, volunteer) your church programs and events in your church?
I WAS, (still am???) one of them, one of those who asigning motives like bitter or disgruntled to anyone who did not tow the line and agree to be eyeball deep in local church programs,  (after all, who could ever possibly survive spiritually without them right? ;-)) who would not "commit" to one local church body... many of whom are people (not all for sure)who recognize and walk with the body of Christ at large and fellowship with people in many local congregations in the region refusing to get tied down into events, rather than spending time discipling people. Forgive me for judging you too..... now I see...
I'm glad the body is bigger than my local church, bigger than me, bigger than my plans, bigger than me and my visions,  and hopes. Im glad Jesus can direct his people ( if they are asking) so I don’t have to plan their life and service for them. I'm thankful for those who run and support local churches, as is, for decades. Keep it up. How do you do that? I'm thankful for those who rattle me, shake my status quo stupor, and challange me by asking, "Why exactly are you so doggedly insistent in this, this way, anyway?"
I'm serving in a way I can bear. If you insit I must do ministry your way, the way I used to, it will crush me and my soul and I will not make it. I'd literally die young trying. Do you really want that? So, I'm here walking forward to Him... I can be your brother, if you will let me. We can discuss, grow, chat, talk, teach and encourage each other. But if it's got to be on the terms of you pushing me to reduce my serice to running programs at your local church and plugging in to one local church...launching all I do from that building- I can't. I promise, I will not pressure you to serve my way either. I'm not angry or bitter.... are you?
Going forward.

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