"When you begin to think outside the box, you often become some other "leaders" lousy follower. That usually costs something" (Andy Rayner)

"Our guardian angels are bored." (Mike Foster)

It's where I feel I'm at these days. “In the second half of life, it is good just to be a part of the general dance. We do not have to stand out, make defining moves, or be better than anyone else on the dance floor. Life is more participatory than assertive, and there is no need for strong or further self-definition” (Falling Upward. Richard Rohr.120).

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Freedom - not Happiness!

A Greater Detachment.

"The critical issue on the journey with God is not "Am I happy?" But "Am I free? Am I growing in the freedom God gave me?"

Detachment is the great secret of interior piece. Along the way, in this journey with Christ, we get attached to (literally "nail to") behaviours, habits, things, and people in an unhealthy way.

Like you I rarely realize how attached I am to something until God removes it. Then the power struggle begins....

When we put our claws into something and we don't want to take them out, we are beyond enjoying them.
Richard Rohr has written extensively about five essential truths to which men must awaken if they are to grow up into their god-given masculinity and spirituality.
Life is hard.
You are not that important.
Your life is not about you.
You are not in control.
You are going to die.

- Peter Scazzero. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Pretend Initiators

" Gutenberg culture encouraged one-sided events in which Spectators pretended to be initiators."

- Leonard Sweet. Viral

Sunday, March 29, 2020

ThecWay I Exist

"It is one thing to be able
to tweak and
control external behaviours;
it is another thing to experience those internal seismic shifts that change the way I exist in this world."

- Ruth Barton -
Sacred Rhythms

How Regularly I Love To judge

"Before we go through the Wall, we prefer to exercise that right to determine good and evil rather than leave this knowledge to God. Afterward, we know better.

I know. I am embarrassed when I think of how I regularly judged
other people's journeys with Christ that were different from mine. I had an opinion and attitude about almost everyone who was different
from me.....
People on the other side of the Wall are freed from judging others."

- Peter Scazzero. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

God My Secretary!

"God doesn't appreciate being demoted to the rank of our personal secretary or assistant."

- Peter Scazzero. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality 

The Government Has No Money!

"The "Government" has no money.
Everything "government" has
They have TAKEN
Most of "government" money
Has been Borrowed."

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

House Church Is Biblical Church

Acts 2:46 - Breaking bread in their homes.
Acts 5:42 - House to house taught and preached Jesus.
Acts 10:2,24 - Feared God ith whole household, invited all relatives and close friends.
Acts 12:12 - Houseof Mary wheremmany were gathered to pray.
Acts 16:32 - Lydias House.
Acts 18:7 - Tutius Justice house? Family and many others there.
Acts 20:20 - Taught house to house.
Romans 16:5 - Greet the church at their house. Prisca & Aquila.
1 Cor 16:19 - Together with the cburch in their house.
Col 4:15 - Greet Nymoja & church in her house.
Phil 1:2 - Philemon & the church at your house.

I like Control - God Should Consult Me!

"I like control.
I like to know where God is going, exactly what he is doing,
the exact route of how he is getting there,
and exactly when we will arrive.
I also like to remind God of his need to behave in ways that fit in with my clear ideas of him.

- Peter Scazzero -
Emotionally healthy spirituality

We Will Stamp Out Liberty

"If there's a liberty somewhere we haven't tried to stamp out, don't worry -- we have good people working on it."

Babaylon Bee

Saturday, March 21, 2020

I'm My Own Judge and Yours

"Before we go through the Wall, we prefer to exercise that right to determine good and evil rather than leave this knowledge to God. Afterward, we know better.

I know. I am embarrassed when I think of how I regularly judged
other people's journeys with Christ that were different from mine. I had an opinion and attitude about almost everyone who was different
from me.....
People on the other side of the Wall are freed from judging others."

- Peter Scazzero. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Murder or Work To Death?

"The lawyers..... did not challenge the formal charges... but asked only whether the defendants might avoid execution. Is it more useful, Comrade Judges, "to have their corpses or their labour?""

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The Gulag Archipelago. 

My Arrogant Judgement

"The root and origin of sin is the arrogance in which man wants to be his own and his neighbor's judge."

-Karl Barth-

Trained Sheep!

"But no, 
one thing was missing! What's missing is the conduct of the defendants. They have not yet 
become trained sheep."
They were still people!

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn -
The Gulag Archipelago

Thought Crimes!

For us, intent and action were identical! A resolution had been passed - we would try them for that. And whether it was "carried out or not had no essential significance."
Whether a man whispered to his wife in bed that it would be a good thing to overthrow the Soviet government or whether he engaged in propaganda during elections or threw a bomb, it was all one and the same! And the punishment was identical!"

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The Gulag Archipelago

Thought or Deed Was Punished

For us, intent and action were identical! A revolution had been passed - we would try them for that. And whether it was "carried out or not had no essential significance."
Whether a man whispered to his wife in bed that it would be a good thing to overthrow the Soviet government or whether he engaged in propaganda during elections or threw a bomb, it was all one and the same! And the punishment was identical!"

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The Gulag Archipelago

You Must Denounce Or You're Guilty!

"Our favourite prosecutor pulled out his canonical weapon of last resort:
"Ultimately, failure to 'denounce' is a category of crime....
Now there's something that couldn't miss! This represented a discovery that judicial thought had made in the new Code.
It was a paved highway along which they would keep driving and driving grateful descendants into Siberia!"

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The Gulag Archipelago.

The Two Signs Of Great Leadership

The most significant discovery unearthed by the leadership literature of the past twenty years is that two signs indicate successful leadership: improving relationships, and the improving stories that are spawned by the improving relationships. Interestingly, these signs of successful leadership constitute two of the three “signs of the Spirit” that were so central to early Christianity.

The early church touted three tests of authenticity, or as it called them, “signs of the Spirit.” First, and the one missing from the leadership literature of the past twenty years, is the Lordship of Christ and the centrality of an apostolic witness.14 For the Christian, everything else pales by comparison to the preeminence of Christ.

The second sign of the Spirit consisted of manifestations in the life of Christians of “fruit of the Spirit.”15 James exhorts us to “humbly accept the word planted in you.”16 The Word of God bears fruit, not when it is comprehended, but when it is lived—implanted and transplanted. And the fruit of the Spirit is proven in relationships. When relationships get worse, things go bad. When relationships get better, things improve. This is true in the corporate world17 just as it holds true when Christians relate to one another in the church.

The third sign of the Spirit was the usefulness of spiritual manifestations to the churches.18 In other words, when relationships get better, there are stories to back up the improving relationships. Relationships, not numbers, show if growth is biblical, healthy, and truly fruitful. Perhaps it’s time to declare a moratorium on statistics in the church. What if the only thing we reported was the answer to this question: “Is spiritual fruit in evidence in your church? Give me the stories, not more statistics.” My dream for the church? God’s people telling more God stories than golf stories. An authentic Great Awakening is when people can’t stop talking about what God is doing.

Leonard Sweet, "What Matters Most"

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

More A World Than A State

"It required borders on the Adriatic and Danube, the Mongolian plateau, and Caucasus barrier, too, was breached and folded in, bringing Russia into the Black and Caspian seas, and giving it borders with Iran and the Ottoman Empire. Imperial Russia came to resemble a religious Kaleidoscope with a plenitude of Orthodox Churches, mosques, synagogues, Old Believer prayer house is, Catholic cathedrals, Armenian Apostolic churches, Buddhist temples, and shaman totems........ Whereas the Ottoman empire stretched over parts of three continents (Europe, Asia, and Africa), some observers in the early twentieth century imagined that the two continent Russian imperium was neither Europe nor Asia but a third entity unto itself: Eurasia. Be that as it may, what the Venetian ambassador to the Sublime Porte (Agosto Nani) had once said of the Ottoman realm - "more a world than a state" - applied no less to Russia. Upon that world, Stalin's rule would visit immense upheaval, hope, and grief."

- Stephen Kotkin.  "Stalin"

More A World Than A State

"It required borders on the Adriatic and Danube, the Mongolian plateau, and Caucasus barrier, too, was breached and folded in, bringing Russia into the Black and Caspian seas, and giving it borders with Iran and the Ottoman Empire. Imperial Russia came to resemble a religious Kaleidoscope with a plenitude of Orthodox Churches, mosques, synagogues, Old Believer prayer house is, Catholic cathedrals, Armenian Apostolic churches, Buddhist temples, and shaman totems........ Whereas the Ottoman empire stretched over parts of three continents (Europe, Asia, and Africa), some observers in the early twentieth century imagined that the two continent Russian imperium was neither Europe nor Asia but a third entity unto itself: Eurasia. Be that as it may, what the Venetian ambassador to the Sublime Porte (Agosto Nani) had once said of the Ottoman realm - "more a world than a state" - applied no less to Russia. Upon that world, Stalin's rule would visit immense upheaval, hope, and grief.

Mongered Holiness By Rules?

"The Holiness that God desires cannot be mongered by rules,
and so is now produced
from the Heart ( do you hear Echoes of The Sermon on the Mount?) by the Spirit of God. (Gal 5:16-25, Rom 6:15-23, 8:9-17).
And what the Spirit does
cannot be regulated by law.( Gal 5:24)."

- Dr. Les Hardin -
The Spirituality of Paul pg 38

Greek Hebrew Latin Belong At Foot Of The Cross

"Scriptures are given to lead us to holiness and to Christ, it doesn't mean that we are to set aside our intellect and understand them neither does it mean that those who are interested in learning more about scripture are to forsake study of the text and its original language. These things can be helpful but they must be done while leading us toward holiness, not toward intellectual snobbery, and certainly not in a way that reinforces and elitist hermeneutic. David Alan black puts it best:
'Greek, Hebrew, and Latin all have their proper place. But it is not at the head of the Cross, where Pilate put them, but at the foot of the cross, in humble service to Christ.'"
- Dr. Les Hardin. The spirituality of Paul. Pg 34
Quoting David Alan black. "Using New Testament Greek in Ministry: A practical guide for students and pastors. (Grand Rapids.v Baker, 1993), page 21.

Scripture Given To Male Us Holy

"The Bible is not there to give us God's approval for anything and everything we want in life. It is given to us by the Breath of God (2 Timothy 3:16) to make us holy."
- Les Hardin
The Spirituality of Paul

Miserable Ordinances Of Princes

"..... miserable man, if he cannot often say and sing to himself those lines of Pindar,

"To love the slender cypress, and to leave the Cretan pastures lying near Ida. I have but little land, where I grow strong, and have nothing to do with sorrow or faction,"
or the ordinances of princes,
or public duties in political emergencies,
or state functions hard to get off."

- Plutarch. Plutarch's Morals. First Century Greek Philosopher.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

St. Patrick’s Breastplate

St. Patrick’s Breastplate
This is a powerful prayer of Protection, also known as The Deer's Cry. It is attributed to
Saint Patrick of Ireland. 
The story goes that Saint Patrick sang this after an ambush had been laid against him, to
prevent him from going to a certain community to spread the gospel. It is said the man lying in
ambush did not see Saint Patrick and his monks as they passed by, but rather wild deer with a
fawn following them (thus the name the Deer's Cry). 
That Gaelic phrase might mean, however, a
mist of concealment.
The prayer calls for Christ's protection using a lorica (shield or breastplate), from which it
derives its name, "St. Patrick's Breastplate". This is based on Ephesians 6:10-20 ("God's shield to
protect us ... from snares of devils"). This prayer recognizes the spiritual battle between good and
evil and thus the importance of praying for protection on a daily basis.

I arise today
through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
believing in the threeness,
and confessing the oneness,
of our Creator of creation.
I rise today
in the power of Christ's birth and baptism,
in the power of his crucifixion and burial,
in the power of his rising and ascending,
in the power of his descending and his judging....
I rise today
in heaven's might,
in sun's brightness,
in moon's radiance,
in fire's glory,
in lightning's quickness,
in wind's swiftness,
in sea's depth,
in earth's stability,
in rock's fixity.
I rise today
with the power of God to pilot me, with
God's strength to sustain me,
God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look ahead for me,
God's ear to hear me,
God's word to speak for me,
God's hand to protect me, ...
God's shield to defend me,
And God's host to deliver me,
from the snares of devils,
from evil temptations,
from nature's failings,
from all who wish to harm me,
far or near, alone and in a crowd.
Around me I gather today all these powers
against every cruel and merciless force
that would attack my body and soul....

In 1889 this poem was adapted into a hymn entitled I Bind Unto Myself Today. There are
many versions of this on You Tube, but here is one version that you can use for your meditation
and worship today - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yH4ToVxtn9A.
If you want to add your own thoughts to this to be shared with the c

The "Too Much" Kinda CHURCH

Years ago, I sat in a staff meeting at a church I was serving; the purpose of the meeting was to talk about how we could attract more people to join the church. At one point someone counted the requirements for church membership that were already in place and made the startling discovery that somewhere between five and nine time commitments per week were required of those who wanted to become church members!
Outwardly I tried to be supportive of the purpose for the meeting, but on the inside I was screaming, 'Who would want to sign up for this?' I was already becoming aware of CFS (Christian fatigue syndrome) in my own life and couldn't imagine willingly inflicting it on someone else.

The clarity that dawned In in this moment caused me to start being a little more honest about what my own Christian Life had been reduced to. While I was trying harder and doing more, there was a yawning emptiness beneath it all that no amount of activity, Christian or otherwise could fill. It made no difference at all that I had been a Christian all my conscious life, that I had been in vocational Christian Ministry since early adulthood or that I was busy responding to what appeared to be God given opportunities to become involved in many worthy causes. The more I refuse to acknowledge the longing for more, the deeper and wider the emptiness became until it threatened to swallow me up.......

Life in and around the Christian Community does little to help us attend to our longings, to believe that deep within there is something essential that needs to be listened to, or to offer much hope that our deepest longings could take us somewhere good. At times the deeper longing of our heart are dismissed as mere idealism. The emphasis on human depravity in many religious circles makes it hard to know if there is anything innis that can be trusted.....
Our longing for healing and transformation is met with self-help messages that leave us briefly inspired and yet burdened by the pressure of trying to fix ourselves with some new technique or skill. Our longing for a way of life that works is most often met with an invitation to more activity, which unfortunately plays right into our compulsions and the drivenness of Western culture."

- Ruth Haley Barton -
Sacred Rhythms

How Big Fire?

"How brightly
burns the flame of desire
for a love affair with God, other people,
the world?

- Elizabeth Dreyer -

Bad Situations - Require Rogues

"And Stratonicus asked his host at Seriphus,
for what offence exile
was the appointed punishment,
and being told that
they punished rogues by exile, said,
"Why then are not you a rogue,
to escape from this hole of a place?""

- Plutarch. Plutarch's Morals. First Century Greek Philosopher.

A Snall Mark But Wanting The Whole World.

"Philip, who when he was
thrown in wrestling, and turned round,
and noticed the mark his
body made in the dust, said,
"O Hercules, what a little part of the earth I have by nature, though I desire all the world!""

- Plutarch. Plutarch's Morals. First Century Greek Philosopher.

How To Avoid Politics

"Alcmæon, when fleeing from the Furies, so the poets tell us, dwelt in a place recently formed by the silting of the Achelous; but I think he chose that little spot to dwell in ease and quiet, merely to avoid political disturbances and factions..."

- Plutarch. Plutarch's Morals. First Century Greek Philosopher.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Ecstatic Experiences

"Ecstatic experiences, though they be tantalizing, do not constitute
the warp and woof of Christian

- Les Hardin -
The Spirituality of Paul

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Being A Fraud

"Being a fraud - a sense of being not what they (we) pretend to be 
but rather precisely what they (we) pretend not to be."

David G. Benner

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Our Slow Rejection As Follows

How Opposition To Your Change Is Expressed in Three Stages

Stage 1: Reasoning
"You are wrong for changing and here the reasons why."

Stage 2: Isolating
"Change back and we will accept you again."

Stage 3: Threatening
"If you don't change back, these are the consequences" (which are then listed).

Baptism Is A Meeting Place!

"By lazy theologians Christian Baptism is made out to be some work of man. So they dismiss it, delay it, deny it.
We are robbing Baptism for what it is. Baptism is God's invitation to the place and time of God's work. Baptism is an invitation by God to the place where you recieve His promised gifts. Not because of what you have done, rather, because of what He said He will do there if you come to Him.
Baptism is a meeting place.
Come meet Him!"
(Acts 2:38-39, Romans 6:1-8)

A Witness Or Lawyer?

"Spirituality speaking,
there is a huge difference between being a witness, than a lawyer."

- Ryan Couch -

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Manipulating Institutions Instead of Healing Our Souls

".... it's far easier to deal with the exterior world. It is easier to spend your life manipulating an institution than dealing with your own soul.

We make institutions sound complicated and heard and regress, but they are Simplicity itself compared to our inner Labyrinths"

- Parker Palmer -

Monday, March 9, 2020

Demon Helper! INTERNET

"Don't let comments on the internet decide.
It's like calling demons for help."

- Joe Rogan

Sunday, March 8, 2020

To Know God?

The price is a self-emptying which goes on simply, almost imperceptibly, day by day."

- Ruth Burrows. Carmelite Nun

What Does Suffering Signify?

"Suffering is no sign of being in the wrong place."
-Ruth Burrows-
Carmelite Nun

Jesus Sanctifies Sight, Sound, and Touch

"Yet, Jesus belongs to earth.
His resurrection has Sanctified this world of sight and sound and lovely touch."

- Ruth Burrows. Carmelite Nun.

I've Lived

"My life has been sorrowful but it has been life. I have lived. Life has not passed me by."

- Ruth Burrows. Carmelite Nun.

Living Their Dream - But Not Mine

 "The vast majority of us go to our graves without knowing who we are. We on consciously live someone else's life, or at least someone else's expectations for us. This does violence to ourselves, our relationship with God, and ultimately to others."

- Peter Scazzero. Emotionally Healthy  Spirituality

Struggling With The Paraphernalia Of God!

That phrase... "paraphernalia of God"

"For many years I was to struggle with a subtle problem which now I can describe as that between God and the paraphernalia of God, if he will pardon me for using the expression. There seemed no relation between God and all that had been presented to me in teaching at school or what was being offered to me in religious life....... There was nothing to impart real richness."

- Ruth Burrows. Carmelite Nun. "Before The Living God"

The Mountain gods Are Dead!

"...... Sarkon, the world hater....
He had decided to become the herald of the mountain gods, though all the mountain gods
were dead."

- Calvin Miller. The Song. (The Singer Trilogy)

More Dead Than Alive

Terra is a spinning Vault,
A mass of Dusty Graves,
The Tomb yard of her Dreamers,
The the Mausoleum of her Brave...
Across her continents it reads:

- The Song. Calvin Miller -
(The Singer Trilogy)

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Broken Church- 70-80% Of OUR Kids Never Return.

We are full of it.... we are full of hot air, bologna, theology, hyper-spirituality, and the fact is that we aren't doing anything other than congratulating ourselves on the profundity of our revelations.
Between 70 and 80 percent of evangelicals in America, by the time they are twenty-one, will leave the faith and never return. Did you hear that? We are not even reaching our own children.

It's like we have a broken down car and we're trying to sell it to the world, saying, buy our product.

Our product stinks. We have nothing to sell but our Bible opinions. And how is the world responding to our bible opinions?
But we're going to keep doing it because we've got the "Bible."
But we're not delivering on the life, the love, the power, the truth, the Incarnate....(sigh!) ..... we are not delivering on Jesus as a general rule."
Seventy to eighty percent of our own children should be a terrifying statistic. It should cause us to sit back and say,

"Dear God how many hours, how much money is being poured into this thing called Christianity, and my own children aren't even serving the lord?"
This is broken Saints. It's broken! It's broken, broken, broken! But we're going to have an evangelism outreach, we are going to pass out... [pamplets or flyers]
Oh my!
- Stephen Crosby!

Read this Book as it gets to the real issue below the surface that we never talk about in church.

This insight in how our history, our past, our emotions, and our emotional responses and mechanisms affects us today,  is simply extraordinary.

I found the book to be the typical  slick marketing and packaging  to make a "Program" to sell to churches. So the writing is the usual dumbed own style of language and writing of typical evangelical  programs,
but in no way is this books HELP and INSIGHT shallow.  
He hits  subjects not talked about. 
It is VERY well written.

Every leader should read this book. 

Friday, March 6, 2020

When Being Right Trumps Being Christlike

Dallas Willard was once asked, “Why are Christians so mean?”

His answer was up to the task. He said that Christians are mean in proportion to when they value being “right” over being “like Christ.”

Thursday, March 5, 2020

You Can't Fix a Sin We Can't Identify

" The failure to name sin, to be able even to identify the Subject of sin, shows itself in the characteristic failures of theology. If we cannot name the systemic distortion we cannot effectively resist it. "

- Paul Axton

A Prayer For Fellowship

Father, to whom have you assigned me,
At this season in my life,
For their benifit and mine?

Suggested prayer for fellowship
- Stephen Crosby -

Meetings Have No Power

"Make life and love demand a meeting. Don't expect a meeting to produce life and love.
A meeting is just the dance hall for the potential of relationship.
We can have more kingdom, more fellowship, more relationship than we could ever handle.
But you know why we don't do it? Because it's slow and it's costly.
It's just easier to go to a meeting where I have LOW investment, and someone is going to preach to me."

- Stephen Crosby -

Dont Question Me Authority

"If as a Pastor or Minister, if you have to ask for honor and authority, it proves you don't have it, and you're not worthy of it. Those who are always talking about honor and authority have something wrong. Because, listen carefully, where love abounds, honor and authority are as natural as breathing."

- Stephen Crosby. Church refugee survival guide. Videos.

The Luxuary Of Self-Analysis

"........ a man of his generation and class had neither time nor opportunity for being sensitive and still less for the luxury of self-analysis. I am sure he was a painful mystery to himself. To all appearances he was a strong man, very much head of the family. As a child I felt relief safe when Daddy was around and terrified when he was a wood of the host. In my early childhood he was the embodiment of safety. The rude awakening did not come until the outbreak of War when I realized that he was, now, powerless to protect us."

- Ruth Burrows

Is Some Wanting of God Still In Your Heart?

".... And that the whole meaning of our existence and the one consuming desire of the heart of God is that we should let ourselves be loved, many spiritual persons would smile at my naïveté.
They are likely to murmer: 'But we know all that; we can read that in any spiritual book.. does she think she is telling us something new?' All I can say is that, although I too have known this in Theory, it is only now that it is integrated into my life. What is more looking at my dear friends, living for God, wanting only him, I see in fact that something is yet wanting to them...... 
They feel they are spiritual failures because this has not happened to them and that has not happen ed to them; they feel they have missed out on something because their experience carries none of the features which treatises on prayer and the contemplative life seem to demand as signs of a truly authentic spiritual life. They know they are loved by God and are pleasing to him and yet there is an indefinable anxiety.....

It seems to me that God is asking one thing more and only one thing more, and this, precisely, is what they are refusing to give. It is, in fact, the deepest self-denial and so different from the ways in which they are seeking to do things for God and, as it were, trying to wrest God's good pleasure from his reluctant heart. This refusal seems to me to spring from lack of insight and understanding, certainly not from lack of goodwill. I see these dear people, self giving, generous to a degree, full of life for God and yet still anxious, still hesitant before the last step which will release them from themselves and bury them in God. I see them turning, with a sense of failure, to new ideas on prayer which might perhaps "work better" though this is certainly not the term they would use...... 
I long them that there is no need for this, that here and now, in their present "unsatisfactory" state, in their "failure", God is giving himself to them, that this state of poverty is precisely what he wants and his way into them. 

- Ruth Burrows (she is a Carmelite Nun)

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Ability To Say "No!" Expose Relationships

You can tell if you are
in a healthy, adult,
and functional human relationship
buy how people respond
when you tell them "No!""

- Stephen Crosby -

Deconstruction Of Religious Mindsets

"We are full of bible knowledge, we are all spiritually activated, but, we are humanly and relationally dysfunctional. We don't know how to be human beings well together. We need to be skillful humans, not just walking bible encyclopedias, with "organic" church insight.... They don't need your insight, they need your love, patience, endurance, your long-suffering....
Part of this deconstruction out of religious mindsets isn't to change our meeting formats. It's to be anew type of human being. A human being that actually pays attention. Who actually cares. Who actually listens.

- Stephen Crosby

As Question Instead Of Persuad Uninterested

"Saints, please listen to me. If you are still in persuasion mode, you still haven't learned anything yet.
What was Jesus's modality? "What do you want me to do for you?" We have not learned how to dignify another human being where they are "AT" ......
Jesus would dignify another person with an inquiry."

- Stephen Crosby

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Slow Socalist Communists

“Your children’s children will live under communism. You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept Communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of Socialism until you will finally wake up and find that you already have Communism. We won’t have to fight you. We’ll so weaken your economy, until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands.”

—Nikita Khrushchev