"When you begin to think outside the box, you often become some other "leaders" lousy follower. That usually costs something" (Andy Rayner)

"Our guardian angels are bored." (Mike Foster)

It's where I feel I'm at these days. “In the second half of life, it is good just to be a part of the general dance. We do not have to stand out, make defining moves, or be better than anyone else on the dance floor. Life is more participatory than assertive, and there is no need for strong or further self-definition” (Falling Upward. Richard Rohr.120).

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Christians Should Apply These Rules!

The Rules of Engagement Seven Proven Rules of Engagement
To Resolve Cultural and Religious Conflicts
Through Common Ground Thinking

By Wayne Jacobsen

Rule #1 You Can’t Force People to Change Their Worldview

Rule #2 Vilifying Those Who Disagree with You Says More about You
Than It Does about Them

Rule #3 Allowing Divergent Views Does Not Validate Those Views

Rule #4 You Best Protect Your Civic Freedoms by Protecting Those Who Disagree with You

Rule #5 If You Do Not Include All the Stakeholders You Cannot Fix the Problem

Rule #6 Cooperation Cannot Require Compromise of our Deepest Convictions

Rule #7 The Best Solutions Arise from Seeking Highest Possible Consensus

© Copyright 2002 by BridgeBuilders

Ladder On The Wrong Wall

I personally feel this way about my approach to ministry for the first 15 years.

"There is perhaps nothing worse than reaching the top of the ladder and discovering that you're on the wrong wall."

Joseph Campbell, 20th-century American writer

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


"The system you currently have is perfectly designed to give you the results you're now getting."

Peter Senge.

Wise Words

"Beware of these experts in religion, for they love to Parade in dignified robes and be bowed to buy the people as a walk along the street....." Jesus
(Luke 20:46 NLT)

Get With The Program or.......!

Interesting, history shows us that Christian institutions do not die. No matter how corrupt they might have become they survive. However, the people seeking restorations within the church were often not given a voice. They were persecuted by the Christian Institutions, and if the restorationists refused to be silent, they were driven out, or in too many historical cases, killed. The original remained, and the new began, not because they pulled out, rather because they were driven out.

As I look around today, I believe the following quote rings true to how many people act in protestant evangelicalism too. Today, you just can't question how things are done by a leadership today. If you see weaknesses in a modern method, well just be quiet. If you don't buy all (100%) a church leadership is trying to sell to a congregation, even if you are excited with 9/10ths but have an issue with only 1/10th of vision or program, you are blackballed. Spun as a person with no vision, accused of being negative or snippy, Not desiring the church to grow, being argumentative, and often you are marginalized, or at times, even shunned.
CEO Leadership styles promote this inability to deal with a dissenting voice. After all we are told to, "Surround ourselves with like minded people." Does that not mean, don't listen/hangout/align/rub shoulders with anyone who "does not fall in line" with YOUR line....?
as long as you are doing my stuff, my way, we are thick brother. If you're not......
I've experienced it some personally, but been pretty lucky. However, I have seen it done to others often.

"Experience supplies painful proof that traditions once called into being are first called useful, then they become necessary. At last they are to often made idols, and all must bow down to them or be punished."
(J. C. Ryle, 19th-century English writer and minister)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What History Taught Us!

"What history teaches us is that men have never learned anything from it."

(G. W. F. Hegel, 19th century German philosopher)

Redeeming The Word Church!

Redeeming words!
Why do you think Frank Viola sees these phrases Problamitic?

"There are two phrases that will not serve you well as you move forward: "church service" (or simply "the service") and "going to church. ......you are no longer "going to church." The church, or ekklesia, is the body of Christ, which assembles together. It's not a place to go. It's not an edifice."
Finding Organic Church. Frank Viola, David C Cook, 2010, page 193)

Monday, March 28, 2011


"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history." - Gandhi

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Revival Brings Us Back To Zero?

Forget who said it, but in a live interview they said something to this affect,

"Revival only brings you back to where you were. It assumes where you were was good and healthy. In my opinion revival only brings one back to "zero" now you must build something new and healthy."

Relational God!

God is perfectly adequate within himself. But because God is love, he is not content to be adequate in himself."

(From Eternity To Here. Frank Viola, David C. Cook Pub, 2009,page 39)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

See No Church, Hear No Church- Other Than "My" Kind

For many, there are no alternative forms of Church. What they experience, they believe, is how it always was and should be. So they can't accept house churches, organic churches, or anything else. They see nothing else as church but clergy and "building edifice" church.

In the mid 20th Century, Swiss watchmaker's had cornered the world market share for watches. But that changed when one of their own countrymen came out with a revolutionary new idea: the quartz watch.

Ironically, when the idea of the quartz watch was presented to the Swiss manufacturers, they laughed at it. They concluded that it would never work, so they refused to patent the idea. Seiko Watch Corporation, on the other hand, took one look at the quartz watch, and the rest is history.

The power of a prevailing paradigm had so influenced the Swiss watch manufacturers that they couldn't understand the new concept of the quartz watch. Because the watch had no gears, no mainspring, and no bearings, they rejected it. Their present paradigm didn't allow for the new innovation. The net effect was that they lost the leading edge on watchmaking, and they were forced to lay off thousands of workers. It was all because the quartz watch didn't fit into their world view. It didn't map to their paradigm. They didn't appreciate the new way because they were blinded by the old way.

(Finding Organic Church. Frank Viola, David C Cook publishing, 2009, page 13)

Exhausted Before Reaching Enemy Lines!

""The real trouble is not in the fact that the church is too rich, but that it has become heavily institutionalized, with a crushing investment and maintenance....... It is saddled with a plan and program beyond its means, so that it is absorbed in problems of supply and preoccupied with survival. The inertia of the machine is such that the financial allocations, both the legalities, the channels of organization, the attitudes of mind, are all set in the direction of continuing and enhancing the status quo. If one wants to pursue a course which cuts across these channels, then most of one's energies are exhausted before one never reaches the enemy lines."
John A.T. Robinson.
(Finding Organic Church. Frank Viola. David C Cook. 2010. Page 171)

Bold Experimentation Verses Caution!

"A great deal more failure is the result of an excess of caution than a bold experimentation with new ideas frontiers of the kingdom of God were never advanced by men and women of caution." J. Oswald Sanders

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Book Your Guilt Trip With A Local Preacher!

"Some preachers need a travel agent to handle all the guilt trips they put on God's people. But there is a big difference between putting a guilt trip on Christians and unveiling Christ to them. When Christ is presented in power, the Spirit of God will undoubtedly convict those who are walking in contradiction to their new nature. But Holy Spirit conviction and man induced guilt and condemnation are two very different things."

(Jesus Manifesto. Leonard Sweet, Frank Viola. Thomas Nelson, 2010, page 25)

Big Or Small Works For God!

"It has often been that the greatest thing of God has been very small in the eyes of men."
T. Austin Sparks

Most Important Thing, Is No Thing!

"'Christ is all' (Colossians 3:11). These three words are the essence and substance of Christianity. If our hearts can really go along with them, it is well with our souls; if not, we may be sure we have yet much to learn."
J. C. Riley, Anglican bishop

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What We Need!

"Jesus is the curriculum, the classroom, and the teacher." John Stott (Ephesians)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Type "A"

"The persistent energy that is required to keep a group of Christians moving forward without an institutional structure can be quite taxing.

When entrophy sets into an organic church, the type A personalities begin to fill the vacuum."

(Finding Organic Church. Frank Viola. David C. Cook publishing. 2009, page 63)

Gaining Desire!

Michelangelo said;

"Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can achieve."

All You Speak About Is Jesus?

This was an illustration from a radio interview with Frank Viola. It's not a direct quote. Just a summary in my own words. But it illustrates how we make church about a lot of things other than Jesus.

Frank Viola tells a story of a church gathering a simple Church gathering of probably 20 or more people they had some visitors who wanted to come in and join the group. Two men and they sit through the entire gathering and after the gathering they all went out for dinner. The men were telling the two visitors how happy they were to have them with them in the group. The two visiting men looked at each and began discussing the church service. He began by saying.
"We noticed something about your church service. All you ever talked about was Jesus. You couldn't stop speaking about Jesus, in fact Jesus was all you talked about. We counted actually and you group mentioned the person over 80 times in that gathering. However, we were alarmed that we never heard the name of the Holy Spirit once. All you ever talk about is Jesus. We want you to have the Holy Spirit.
One young man in the group, twenty something replied.
“Yes we understand that, as in the NT it seems the only Thing the Holy Spirit Ever Talks about is Jesus too.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Good Soil Needs Little work?

It took me twenty two years of ministry to clue into a fundamental flaw of my ministry.

I was commenting to my wife one day, "Why is it that when somebody finally feels some sort of "conviction" they are "Not doing/growing enough" in their spiritual life (usually that comes on after a preacher like me unloaded that common message on them), the solution seems to be to ask a pastor or elder to come lead them in a Bible study.
But after four or five weeks it typically runs its course.
They need encouragement- I get that. But let's face it, they are often being lazy by asking us to do 4 or 5 hours of prepration for them, rather than digging themselves. What i've noticed is many don't do much for themselves in the process. Why?

For example, They often are not reading the Bible themselves before or after the Study we have taken hours of our life to "plunk before them". But I thought if I did enough, taught enough........."

So I shifted to handing them something to study and saying when you read these scriptures call me, I want to hear what YOU discovered. Ate you really ready to start this journey?

Jesus rarely just plunked down and answered questions for people. Rather he asked them questions to get them thinking and digging and answerin. If you lacked the spiritual hunger to seek the truth, you missed out.

My sister-in-law made a very powerful statement, with great insight, that changed my life in in Feb 2010. We were getting ready for a huge project in Africa and I was, as usual, working like a dog to get things moving and happening. She said,
"Andy, You can't work hard enough to compensate for somebody else's inertia or lack of interest."

I have to admit that I've lived most of my life, most of my ministry, under the mistaken impression that if I worked harder, I could compensate for.........

If they were not too interested, I could work hard to given them more, show them more, expose them to more. Then they will see the beauty and be change. I believed, in practice, I could compensate for their inertia or lack of interest. There is a fundamental flaw in that thinking I see now.

Look at these verses and understand the "soil", in the preceding passages, is defined as as the hearts of people hearing the gospel. Some were good soil, some were bad soil. But look at what Jesus said about the work required........

Mark 4:26-29 LB "Here is another story illustrating what the kingdom of God is like: 'A farmer sowed his field, and went away, and as the days went by, the seeds grew and grew without his help. For the soil made the seeds grow. First of leaf-blade pushed through, and later the wheat-heads formed and finally the grain ripened, and then the farmer came at once with a sickle and harvested it."

God makes seed grow said Paul. But good soil is the medium in which God makes it grow it seems. After the seed is sown, we have little work to do, it seems, other than just living the "one another"-ing of the NT (do a Phrase search on that)
Am I off Base?
I'm not saying working hard and giving opportunities is a bad thing. But I see that how I often responded to them had a fundamental flaw.

Andy, you can't work hard enough to compensate for someone else's inertia or lack of interest."

Wish I had heard that 25 years ago.

Central Figure In History Os Jesus!

"British author H. G. Wells remarked," I am a historian, I am not a believer, but I must confess as a historian that this penniless preacher from Nazareth is irrevocably the very center of history. Jesus Christ is easily the most dominant figure in all history."
(Jesus Manifesto. Leonard Sweet Frank Viola. Thomas Nelson publishing, 2010, page 1-2)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Crying Over Jesus!

It's a crying shame when Jesus is lost in the Church Stuff.

"To illustrate the centrality of Christ. I would like to rehearse a story that the Lord gave my friend Mike Broadie. It goes like this......
Every year Mary, the Holy Spirt, and the Bible get together and weep. As they are weeping, Mary says. 'I brought Him into this world. I gave Him life on this earth. But they have worshipped me and have stolen glory from my son.'
Then the Holy Spirit speaks and says. 'I did not come to speak of Myself. I did not come to reveal Myself. I came to reveal Him. I cams to magnify and glorify Him. But they have made Me central.'
Finally, the bible also weeping, speaks and says, "I came to point men and women to Him. I came to testify of Him. I came to make him known. But they have made a god out of me.'"

(From Eternity To Here. Frank Vioka. David C. Cook pub, 2010, pg 271-72)

Church Chicken Run?

You know the movie about hens kept in a POW style barn, forced to produce a quota of eggs. If not produced the hen was flagged for the dinner table. Do one hen plans a great escape. However, it was hard to convince the chickens of the need to run.
Humorous cartoon.
However, based on this movie these writers then state:

"Without being too dramatic, we believe this is precisely what is needed for Missional leaders an radical disciples who know the urgency of the day requires a significant shift from the predominant image of 'church'. It is not too harsh a judgment to say that most people in the Western church simply cannot see beyond the Christendom mode they know so well."

(The shape of things to come. Michael Frost, Alan Hirsch. Hendrickson pub, 2003, pg 146-147)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cobweb of Grace!

"Lead us not into temptation.....for it's possible we shall stumble and fall like our brother or sister did."

Through the many years that I have been a Christian, I have made the following observation; you'll never know if self-righteousness is in your heart until something tragic happens to a fellow Christian that you know. When somebody you know (or know of) falls short, makes a mistake, or is the subject of an ugly rumor, it is at that moment that a self-righteous spirit – if it exist – will rear its head.

To be self-righteous and judgmental is to disqualify yourself from the kingdom of God. It is to deny the fact that you are a sinner who is hanging by a cobweb of Grace, just like the rest of us. If you get in touch with your humanity, you will make an important discovery: You are just as fallen as everyone else and just as undeserving of God's mercy as everyone else. Such a revelation should remove any judgmental bone in your body.

(From Eternity To Here.Frank Viola, David C Cook publishing, 2009, page 86)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Who to Love?

"The Bible tells us to love our neighbors and also to love our enemies; probably because generally they are the same people." GKC

Remove Everything But Jesus!

"One of the major goals of those who plant churches is to remove everything that isn't Jesus Christ"

(Finding Organic Church. Frank Viola. David C Cook. 2010, page 62)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Please Don't "Throttle" Me!

"It is the depravity of institutions and movements that given in the beginning to express life, they often end in throttling that very life. Therefore, they need constant review, perpetual criticism and continuous bringing back to the original purposes and spirit. The Christian Church is no exception. It is the chief illustration all the above."

E Stanley Jones

The Slow Noose Is What Gets Us!

"One day long ago, over the hot sands of a middle eastern country, a white Skylark flew in joyous loops about the sky. As she swooped near the earth, she heard a merchant crying you, "Worms! Worms! Worms for feathers! delicious worms! The Skylark circled about the merchant, hungry at the mention of worms, but puzzled about what the merchant meant. Little did the skylark know that the merchant was the devil. And seeing that the Skylark was interested, the devil motioned her near. "Come here, my little friend. Come See the lovely worms I have!"

Cautiously, the skylark landed and cocked her head to the merchant. "Come! Tasty juicy worms!" The skylark became aware that she was, indeed, quite hungry. And these worms look bigger and tastier than any she had ever dug for herself out of the hardscrabble ground of the desert. The Skylark hopped closer and put her beak up close to the worm. "Two worms for a feather, my friend. Two worms for merely one!"

The skylark was unable to resist. And she had, after all, so many feathers. So, after a swift motion she pulled out a feather – just a small one – from beneath your wing and gave it to the merchant. "Take your pick, my little friend... any two, your hearts desire!" The skylark quickly snatched up two of the plumpest worms and swallowed her meal with delight. Never before had she tasted such wonderful worms. With a loud chirp, she leapt into the air and resumed her joyful flight.

Day after day the Skylark return. And always the merchant had wonderful worms to offer: black ones and blue ones, red ones and green ones, all fat and shiny and iridescent. But one day, after eating her fill, the Skylark leapt again into the air – and to her horror, she fell to the ground with a thud. She was unable to fly!

All at once with a shock she realized what had happened. From eating the delicious worms she had grown fatter and fatter; and she had plucked her feathers one by one, first her body, then her tail, and finally her very wings had grown balder and balder. Horrified, she remembered how, slowly, imperceptibly, day by day, it had been getting harder and harder to fly, and how she had told herself it was no matter. She could always stop before it was too late. Now suddenly here she was, trapped on the ground. She looked up and saw the merchant looking at her. Was that a small, sly grin spreading across his face? He grabbed the now helpless bird, put her in the cage, and walked away laughing."

(Untamed: Reactivating Missional Form Of Leadership. Alan & Deborah Hirsch. Baker Books, 2010 pg 21- 22)

Truth Roadbump!

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and hurry on as if nothing had happened."

Winston Churchill

Ever Been Tingoed?

"Tingo" : a verb used on Easter Island to describe taking all the objects one desires, from the house of a friend, one at a time, by borrowing them."

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Urban Christianity!

I was aware of Paul's urban strategy. However, why is it that today it seems people often view Christianity as the faith of the rural country church folks who attend the "little brown church in the vale"?
Found this statement surprising as I am Assuming it's true!

There is another point worth mentioning that has to do with Paul's church planning strategy. Paul was an urban church planter. For the most part, he bypassed the rural areas and ignored the small communities. Instead, he went directly to the major urban areas. He concentrated on planting indigenous churches in influential cities that had large populations.

It is for this reason that the word pagan has come to refer to non-Christian people. The word pagan is derived from the ancient word for Farmer, which means country dweller. (A similar etymology lies behind word heathen. The heathens were those who lived in the 'heath', i .e., out in the country.)
Christianity was rarely successful outside the cities of the ancient world. Because our faith is inherently relational, the church was unable to successfully take route inside of urban settings. In urban areas, Christians could see one another in their day-to-day lives and easily care for one another. In the countryside, believers were more isolated from each other. Therefore, they had a difficult time fleshing out the 'one anothers' that the New Testament so often emphasizes. Consequently, Christianity has always been dominantly urban."

(Finding Organic Church. Frank Viola, David C Cook pub, page 45-46, 2009)

Someone Finally Said It....!

The truth that guides how we live, minister, and invest in the western Church.
He is a "prophetic voice" for the 21 century, speaking the truth of how we really operate.

Elders statement to a church doing a 4 million dollar facility expansion. (restoration movement church of 2000 members)

"We need to support this, because if people don't come through the door of the church, we can't minister to them."

Folks, that is just wrong. I doubt they actually believe it, but the truth is that is how most churches operate- a great today!
90% of budget is spent on those who are already in. Only if you "come in the door" can people be touched by the average church today. We spent all the money on the church building, staff and programs inside the door, no wonder we act as if that us the only or best place to minister.
I'm glad this church us growing, and I hope they fill the new building too. However, I simply can not agree with a statement like that. I would respectfully request them to withdraw it too. Saying something like, "We poorly explained why we are building thus church addition, let us restate our vision thus way......."

Last I checked with my friend who hates the idea of going to church; well he is still OK with me coming over to do stuff with him, and we talk about "spiritual" things.
So folks, we can minister to people who don't come in the door after all?
Who could have imagined that? ;-)

Monday, March 14, 2011


After studying revolutions of the past 500 years Barna comments:

"To have a genuine revolution.....a genuine revolution is characterized in part by purposeful chaos. The conclusion I came to is efficiency is tremendiously overrated. And Yet, when you look at so much of what we try to do in our organized religious activities, one of the hallmarks of a "successful event" is that it was very effevient or it ran like clockwork. I don't know if that had anything to do. With blessing God and blessing Gods people" George Barna radio interview (frankviola.com)

Church Tradition Is A God Now!

What is so alarming is that the right now the majority evangelical, though convinced they have a Biblical worldview and handle on scripture (especially fundamentalists), actually believe that the package in which we "do" church, and especially "church services" is biblical, even Apostolic, in the modern execution.

Where does one begin? What can one say to such people with such false impressions?
How do you begin to "reason" with a people captivated with a great delusion?

"Some institutions are allowed to grow so old and venerable that the idea if scrapping them is unthinkably sacrilegious."
F.F. Bruce

"We are living in an age hopelessly below the New Testament pattern- content with a neat little religion."
Martin Lloyd-Jones

"....You are experts at setting aside the commandments of God in order to keep your tradition." Mark 7:8-9

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Vertical lock Down

This is the nature if all the conversations, meetings, seminars, church growth books & teaching I have been exposed too the last 20 years.
Climb the ladder higher, with more "excellence", "professionalism", more "intentional".
Good words, just based on a vertical perspective. We need to shift horizontally to new ground and build fresh movements without the same old baggage, not simply building on the same, better.

"Christendom has been worked and reworked and tweaked every which way possible, and yet we still persist in doing it the same way, only 'better'."

(The Shape Of Things To Come, 2003, Alan Hirch, Michael Frost)

Sterile Faith

Hate to admit it, but he summarized many evangelicals, certainly fundamentalists, very well. We are not much fun to be around.

Jesus defines our concepts of God, getting it wrong here means getting it wrong everywhere....And because Jesus defines and models for us perfected humanity; He shows us the way of true holiness. We will present to you a holiness more akin to a gutsy, inclusive, gritty faith than to the moralistic, exclusive, sterile version Christians have come to be known for.

(Alan Hirsch. "untamed" baker, 2010, pg 26)

Friday, March 11, 2011


"Much silence makes a powerful noise." African proverb.

Bring on the Color in World Worship!

This quote so mirrored what I just sent to a journal group, about West Africa.
I am working among an unreached Islamic people group, with one Christian in the whole ethnic group.
However, in a small city of the region there are a half dozen churches, and except for local language and dress, it look, feels, and is organized like a typical western church. It's sad to see this repeated all over the world with little thought. What about the great diversity they can bring to God in worship? This is what I like to refer to as the "Default". This is why church becomes when we do not do the harder work of contextualizing.
"Allen and Michael...... traveled around the world in order to dig out some of the more innovative missional expressions of the church. The itinerary included the US, the UK, Italy, France, Israel, New Zealand, and South Africa. One of our lasting impressions of the churches in all those contacts is that, by and large, in spite of language differences, they tended to be in terribly dull and rather predictable. They had a disturbing propensity to look, feel, and act in basically the same way. They sang the same basic songs and follow the same basic order of service in their corporate worship. The sheer predictability of it all was quite shocking and deeply disturbing. It sometimes seems as if there is some form of 'template' at work in Evangelical churches all over the world, regardless of language and culture.......
When the church has embraced an alternative approach, it has been marginalized and is often so underground it's hard to find. All this, we believe, amounts to nothing less than the triumph of technique over substance - the death of the art of ministry and mission.
We would love to know who, or what, exactly is responsible for this malaise of the Spirit, this absence of creativity. Who can tell us where this stifling 'template' came from in the first place? And why do we seem to follow it so on questioningly in almost every setting in the Western church?
(The Shape Of Things To Come. Michael Frost & Alan Hirsch. Hendrickson, 2003, pg 182-183)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Two Kinds of People!

"There are two types of people in the world. Those who divide the world into two types of people, and those who don't" Tony Hendra

Transporting What?

I just returned from Africa and saw it first hand. An expensive, self-centered, expression of faith.
More spent on themselves for a sunday show that looks more southern American, than Africa. Little for the poor.
Only thing is I'm not sure it's pushed on them, they seem to willingly lap it up. Oh and prosperity gospel, modern prophets with perceived power connections direct to God, and bizarre manifestations attributed to the Holy Spirit.
Africa needs "saving" from these bizarre, unbiblical theologies too.

"The kind of Christianity that is being exported to the rest of the world (particularly the developing world) from America is incredibly harmful. As a Malawian Christian, I am concerned about negative influences of the American Church in my home country at different levels, not the least of all theologically."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Worth a listen!

This Audio Clip helps us focus on some good things.

Let's Not make it a Selfish Journey!

"More is at stake in discipleship than our own personal salvation. The gospel cannot be limited being about my personal healing and wholeness, but rather extends in and through my salvation to the salvation of the world world."

(Alan & Debra Hirsch. "Untamed" Baker Books, 2010, pg24)

What I Become!

"To believe means go be so rooted in Christ that he becomes the foundation of one's existence, the beginning and end of the movement known as life, its measure and source and strength.
The extent to which we succeed depends on our loyalty and on our power of sacrifice. Hence the believer does well to say not that he is a Christian, but that he is becoming one."
--Romano Guardini

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Church - Don't Jip People of Relationship!

People don't want to be the object of your church program. The moment you knock on their door they feel just like you do, with some cult shows up ringing the bell.

The assumption, clear as crystal, right up front is this; I'm at your door because you are lacking, in need, mistaken, not.....

Yet we approach people like a door to door salesman, trying to convince people of their "need", their lack. Starting off a relationship with, "I'm here because you are lacking" is really not the best starting point. Have we thought of that. Would never have won me my wife.

We build relationships first. Could it be that in a relationship with another unbeliever, we may have something very needed to receive form them too? Sure! Relationships are exchanges of the sweetest kind.
However, if we make it about words first, few will ever hear the gospel from us. Connect with people. Be their friend if they every accept Christ or not (We hope they do). It will be good for them, and you too!

"If you’re truly living the good news, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to explain the theological aspects of the gospel. But if we continue to lead off with words about the gospel instead of acts of the gospel, we’ll continue to jip people."

(Tangible Kingdom. Hugh Halter, pg 77. 2008, Jossey-Bass)