"When you begin to think outside the box, you often become some other "leaders" lousy follower. That usually costs something" (Andy Rayner)

"Our guardian angels are bored." (Mike Foster)

It's where I feel I'm at these days. “In the second half of life, it is good just to be a part of the general dance. We do not have to stand out, make defining moves, or be better than anyone else on the dance floor. Life is more participatory than assertive, and there is no need for strong or further self-definition” (Falling Upward. Richard Rohr.120).

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Oh, Baby Baby!

My Fried George Smith died in his mid 40's, in the fall of 2008. I want to share a few stories about him.

While we were attending College, “Oh, Baby Baby!” was the phrase George would say to a passing flock of good looking young ladies in the mall. I use to die of embarrassment every time.

You have to understand George. George could not whisper. He was a jolly short big man, with a deep voice. When he said something, everyone heard. However George was convinced that the flocks of young ladies NEVER heard him say; “Oh baby baby!” Let me tell you they almost ALWAYS heard. George was always a free spirit, and not very self conscious about much. I liked that about him.

The College we attended was in my young brides home town. My greatest fear became this; Being introduced to some 21 year old friend of Lynn’s from earlier days, and having this young lady remember or recognize me as the guy who “Oh Baby Babied” them in the mall. Guilt by association – know what I mean?

How many times had I made George promise he would not do this? Before I would agree to go to the mall with him I would threaten him about it every time. However, “Oh, Baby Baby!” would slip out of this training preachers mouth at the most embarrassing times. I realize he meant nothing insulting by it. He was just saying to himself, so he thought, they were pretty and God creates some very nice things in this world. But they always heard him say it to "himself", and it was wearing thin with me.

One day George “Oh Baby Babied” a group of 4-5 young ladies passing by. Immediately after the young ladies passed by I elbowed George, HARD, and said; “George, will you please lay off? They hear you saying it every time.”

Right out loud George bellows; “What? They did not hear me say Oh, Baby Baby! What are you elbowing me for?”

I said; “Yes they did hear George, they are looking at us right now”

The 4-5 young women had already stopped 10 feet away, turned around, and were laughing as I chewed out my friend for “Oh, Baby Babying” them, and giggling as George insisted at full volume that they did not hear him “Oh Baby Baby” them, and that I had no right to elbow him.

I have often found myself using this phrase very endearingly for my wife over the years. She knows the story behind it, and she likes the sentiment I give with it as well. When I know she needs a compliment, when I just "notice" her, or maybe she asks me how a new outfit looks; at times there is only one phrase that really says how I feel. I say to her; "Oh Baby, Baby!" and she smiles a big grin back. When I haul that phrase out, she knows full well that I really really mean it.

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