"When you begin to think outside the box, you often become some other "leaders" lousy follower. That usually costs something" (Andy Rayner)

"Our guardian angels are bored." (Mike Foster)

It's where I feel I'm at these days. “In the second half of life, it is good just to be a part of the general dance. We do not have to stand out, make defining moves, or be better than anyone else on the dance floor. Life is more participatory than assertive, and there is no need for strong or further self-definition” (Falling Upward. Richard Rohr.120).

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Things Christians Don't Know!

" I knew that pilgrimages to the Holy Land and Rome and Canterbury had long been a part of our Christian tradition. And I knew that visiting holy sites by airplane, train and bus were still a popular tourist activity. But walking 500 miles?
I had no idea until I read Arthur Boers that millions of men and women all over the world are still doing it, deliberately paying attention to what takes place in and around them as they walk to their chosen destinations.

~ Eugene Peterson

Frenzied Pilgrims

"In a postmodern world in which time and space seem compressed and lives of leisure are driven by frenetic consumption, we should not be surprised that many have turned to the medieval practice of pilgrimage as a vital spiritual antidote."
Richard Gaillardetz

Pocketing The Holy Spirit

" We never have the Holy Spirit in our pockets, completely domesticated and supporting everything we are doing. Any such sanctifying of present imperfections is an obstacle to further growth. Instead of clutching fiercely to my foibles and fallacies, I had better cultivate the ability to change my mind........
~ Lois Seifert. Libération of Life

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Mouthy Leadership.....

"They discover that it's difficult, they hey don't know how to relate. They don't know how to listen. They know how to tell people what to do. They are trained in "telling" people. But they've not got the idea of listening, and bringing people to birth." Jean Vanier

"We discovered that religion can become a prison and not a fountain" Jean Vanier

Telling Too Much

"They discover that it's difficult, they hey don't know how to relate. They don't know how to listen.
They know how to tell people what to do. They are trained in "telling" people. But they've not got the idea of listening, and bringing people to birth."
Jean Vanier

"We discovered that religion can become a prison and not a fountain"

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Death Penalty Still Exists Because of Christians

"A Lot of times evangelicals Christians will defend the death penalty based on "Biblical" reasons. And, in fact, the death penalty is most alive in the bible belt where there are high concentrations of evangelicals..... (Shane Blackshere)  

"....And this is one of the things that, as I dug deeper, became one of the deeply troubling parts of this. That the death penalty has survived in America, not in spite of Christians,  but becuse of Christians. And the truth is that the Death penalty wouldn't stand a chance of its continual survival if it weren't for Christians....
it is deeply troubling to me that 85% of the executions are happening in the bible belt. As my brother says, "he bible belt has become the death belt. (Shane Claiborne)

 Podcast Interview  (Seminary Dropout_#148)

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Burn Your Cloths And Move On

"In the days of the Celts, Druids came all the way from Ireland and Charlemagne’s court in Aachen to be baptized at sunset at Finisterre. There they died with the sun, like Jesus, sinking into the waters of death, only to be born again when they emerged. They took on new robes, new names. That is why pilgrims burn their clothes at Finisterre. Their old self must die before the new can rise from the ashes . . .”

(Robert Ward. All The Good Pilgrims)

Sunday, December 4, 2016

He Shut My Mouth

"When, through my tears, I began to tell him something of the years during which I betrayed him, he lovingly placed his hand over my mouth in order to silence me. His one concern was that I should muster courage enough to pick myself up again...."

Carlo Careetto

It Wasn’t About The Pilgrims

"There are many statues of pilgrims along the Camino, realistic and abstract, humorous and heroic, moving and maudlin. A few depict pilgrims of today, with nylon packs and running shoes, but most are like this one, a figure of long ago decked out in the classic pilgrim ensemble. León’s pilgrim is a weary figure. He has taken off his sandals and leans back against the cross as if to sleep. Before him is the Parador of San Marcos, a luxury hotel where he could never dream of staying. I sit down to keep him company for a while. It’s funny that in the old days, when pilgrims actually looked like this, there weren’t any statues of pilgrims. The statues then were of Jesus Christ, Mary, James and the other saints. They were the heroes of the Camino. But the old heroes have retreated to the churches and the heavens. The hero of the Camino today—or so these statues suggest—is the pilgrim himself, the pilgrim of old, pictured always as humble, stoic, pure of heart, trusting, possessed of an unclouded faith that today’s pilgrim can never hope to equal."
( Robert Ward. All The Good Pilgrims)

Pick A Stone Each Day

"She spoke at a Little Pilgrims meeting one Saturday about a discovery she had made on the Camino. Each day, as a kind of walking prayer, she would pick up a stone and fill it with her sorrow. At the end of the day, she would leave the stone by the wayside and walk away a little lighter."

(Robert Ward. All The Good Pilgrims)

Kiss The Son

Was reading an interesting verse in Psalm 2 today. The words jumped off the page at me. I swear, i never noticed them before. Psalm 2:11-12
Serve the Lord ...... Kiss his son, or he will be angry......
With the high honor of the Son enmeshed as the central point? Is there any more basic a call to the Father than this?

Serve God, Kiss his Son.....

This is an amazing call to worship, especially considering the Greek words God gave us to translate into our English word “worship”, have literal meanings such as, "to bend the knee", or "to kiss towards".
Anyway, been a long week here alone. I don't envy old people who live alone. That is very difficult. I find it a struggle. Lynn and I are lovers, but we are partners too. Partners is something larger than we are.
I am reminded today that there is a reason unreached people remain unreached. They are usually not near cities, there aren't any mission schools for missionaries children, there are no ready made teams to join, most require learning at least two languages, often geographically isolated, and to begin, you are often alone.
  • "Long before this winter snow I ran from pain, looking high and low For some fast way to get around Its hurt and cold. I'd have found, If I had looked at what was there, That things don't follow fast or fair. That life goes on, and times do change, And grass does grow despite life's pains."
  • ~ Mary and Bernard. Selection taken from, "Resurrection"
Yet, Jesus understands alone......
“That Jesus had voluntarily lost himself in an obscure Middle Eastern village; annihilated himself in the daily monotony of thirty years’ rough, miserable work; separated himself form society that :counts”; and died in total anonymity.” Carlo Carretto
He lived most of his life as worker, a wage earner, a bread for the table labourer. I am humbled to be reminded of this today. This is how I live my life too. Most of the year a wage earner, then kingdom work.... for a time. Will you pray for people to come and live, to immerse themselves, here, for unreached peoples? We don’t need visitors, we need people willing to be alone, in some very challenging places, where no one else goes. Realizing Jesus is enough for us, and them too.
Come and, “Serve God...... Kiss is Son.....”, here.
Henri Nouwen asks a good question in my readings today.
"Why do I keep relaying to you as one of my many relationships, instead of my only relationship, in which all other ones are grounded? Why do I keep looking for popularity, respect from others, success, acclaim, and sensual pleasure?Why, Lord, is it so hard for me to make you the only one?"
Forget about the big career of money, your degree you earned to secure a financial future, the fancy church ministry where people pat you on the back for your creative preaching, awesome growth, dynamic music, or amazing vision. Where we could be, and will be replaced tomorrow, if need be. Most, it seems, will Kiss the Son there, or in Kenya.
Come to a place where most will never see anything you do on a daily bases. Where you will be missunderstood. Come to a life that causes people to grow weary of your incessant stories. To a life where eyes will roll, as you go where most feet won’t go. Where ministry looks nothing like what we do at home. Come to the obscure place..... where even most “missionaries” don’t go.
Come Kiss the Son. Kiss the Son.......
“Pucker up, and help others to pucker up!” This is my new mission statement.
The world still needs courageous men and women....... Son Kissers.