"When you begin to think outside the box, you often become some other "leaders" lousy follower. That usually costs something" (Andy Rayner)

"Our guardian angels are bored." (Mike Foster)

It's where I feel I'm at these days. “In the second half of life, it is good just to be a part of the general dance. We do not have to stand out, make defining moves, or be better than anyone else on the dance floor. Life is more participatory than assertive, and there is no need for strong or further self-definition” (Falling Upward. Richard Rohr.120).

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Love Moves Me - And Love Moves Me

Let's do a Sunday Confession.

We have separated "Love" from "Affection" in religious systems. Even taught it so. This has been one of MY gravest errors as a theologian, and human being,  in the past.  This is what permitted me to be too heartless, gave me licence to be a lesser kind of person in how I associate with people... particularly  people I do not like, or understand.

I am not really loving anyone well apart from genuine affection, nor am I really loved without affection. Without affection, love becomes mere obligation, performance, rote, an empty duty that is not recognizing the humanity and value of the person in front of us.  We have all felt the emptiness of acts of service done out of obligation, or duty, but not desire. Dehumanizing to give, and receive. Duty happens, but it is very incomplete. Duty hurts.

Love, separated from affection, is a bar set too low, is a selling out of my call to love as God loves.  (I know what we have all been taught about the four loves, and Agape)

God's love is not separated from affection. Agape is not devoid of affection.. rather is brimming with it. Think of it..... God likes you, has a fondness for you.

As Brennan Manning Meditated on...


"Over the past thirty years, I have prayed that passage (Song of Solomon 7:10ff.) in soaring 747s, monasteries, caves, retreat centers, and deserted places. I believe His desire for you and me can best be described as a furious longing." (Brennan Manning)

We are loved by God "AFFECTIONATELY".

I agree that Agape calls for love as a verb, love as acts of service. But they are "AFFECTIONATE" acts of service, NOT MERE DUTY. 

Affectionless duty,
Affectionless fatherhood,
Affectionless motherhood,
Affectionless marriage,
Affectionless sex,
Affectionless service,
Affectionless meetings and gatherings.
Affectionless conversation and dialogue,
Affectionless relationships,
Affectionless time spent with,

Is not love.

You can quote me... "Love moves me, and love moves me." (Andy Rayner)

Get it?

My Sunday confession... I was wrong, I've called myself, and others I have taught to an error. I have been trying to move on, and I suggest you should also.

When i cannot find a fondness in me towards you, the problem is not what you have done, or not done, it is a failure within me. I've failed to see your worth, and respond according to you worth.

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