"When you begin to think outside the box, you often become some other "leaders" lousy follower. That usually costs something" (Andy Rayner)

"Our guardian angels are bored." (Mike Foster)

It's where I feel I'm at these days. “In the second half of life, it is good just to be a part of the general dance. We do not have to stand out, make defining moves, or be better than anyone else on the dance floor. Life is more participatory than assertive, and there is no need for strong or further self-definition” (Falling Upward. Richard Rohr.120).

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Stop Dragging Me To Church!

"Let go or be dragged". (Attributed as Old Buddhist Saying)

I have no idea if this is an actually Buddhist saying or not. I came across it in an article one time.
However, I felt it had some implications for believers as well. Not because it is "Biblical truth". Rather, because practically it seems to make some since sometimes.

So many people really want to connect with Jesus, and they never set out to bash the local church (Prescribed more than described, by church folks), I know I didn't. But, anything but "I accept this, it is so helpful" is not welcome.

People are trying to find Jesus, to connect with him and others in him name. Is it happening for most of you?

Busy as "Old Blazes" in the church system, doing all these great programs and ministries that are suppose to help people grow in Christ, and we have come to believe we NEED them to grow in Christ.

However, in the end we look around, WE who are running all this stuff, and confess, "This is not helping me get closer to Jesus". Then we look around and ask others,"Is it working for you?" and the answer in private is usually, "No!". However, that is not the face put forward on Sunday. If we put on the true self, the true face, that face gets slapped by the church saying, "This Does help.... it's just you."

Let me in on the little underground secret. It's not just you. It's most of us.

Church programs were fun in their own way, and I enjoyed the people I met, but this stuff did not get me closer to Jesus, no closer to people. No! In fact, this had so cluttered my life it hindered the process, the program did the opposite of what it was intended to do. It became another thing, hurtle, obstacle, barrier to me connecting with Jesus. Something else I have to pass through to get to Jesus. We are throwing something else second hand in between us and him.

Then we get it one day. I need him... just Him, and other to walk with, in him.

I do not suggest anyone (Never have - not once) leave their local church, personally.
But I would suggest that you drop everything you are doing until you have space and time for Jesus. Spending more time sitting and thinking about Jesus, and get to understand and sense the reality that he is with me all the time. ALL... OF.....THE... TIME..... :-) There are no sacred places, sacred events, sacred times, sacred buildings, sacred land. All of life is lived under the breath of God, and the reality of his Son Jesus. Life is Sacred. Gardening is sacred, Scripture is sacred, time with believers is sacred, time with non Christians is sacred. It's all lived and experienced under the reality of Jesus.

The best advice I ever received was. "Andy, stop trying to promote it or defend it to people, just live it."

Does it mean we should never talk about our journey into real connection with others and with Jesus?
No, but I recommend that you share it with only those who seek you out. People who are looking for answers for their own journey, and they have seen something in you, so  they seek you out. Speak to only who God puts in your path, not who you have chosen to put in your cross hairs.

I see no need for you to go explain it to your Pastor, the elders, the church structure, or anyone.  All they hear is church bashing. They will not get it, some might, but they can not bless it usually.

  • We are your Leaders... we have not lead you to this where is this coming from?... Issues
  • Serve More, Attend this Group, It will Help..... I gets in my way, so I'm going to step back.... Issues
  • We are growing this church........ I may need to step out for a while ...... Issues
  • Why is participation in events decreasing? You need  these to grow child...... They exhaust me more than they help........ Issues.
  • This is the churches and Leaders vision..... It's not my vision.......... Issues.
  • We are the Spiritual Leaders....... Why are you telling people about your simple path?....... They asked me..... Issues..
  • Why Are You Supporting the direction of the church?....... I Personally can't do that, But I'm Being silent about it...... Issues.

My experience is that when you talk about what you are running to..... you have to begin with the starting line.

"I left my old life, and moved into this Cabin on this mountain in the Canadian Yukon".

Means something different for the guy who then points saying, See that cabin over there on the other side of the valley? That is my mom and dad over there, I grew up there as the son of a mountain man, and felt it was time to build my own cabin.

Very different than the man who says, "I lived in Florida, got tired of the city life, traffic jams, an the heat. I had a small business but grew weary of the stresses of business, finances, Long hours doing something that did not satisfy me. I was never home, My wife cheated on me eventually. My daughter had to be treated for depression. I remarried and it was ok, but the rat race of that Florida life was the problem. I knew I needed to simplify my life, so I came here to begin a new life. I built this cabin and have been here since.

Every testimony I ever heard at church. "Life was bad, I was bad, Jesus broke through, got me to the good place.......... I've been in Church ever since."    And we say...... Amen!

Continuing testimony,

"You brought me into this church body, I liked the people, they are all good people. But after a few years I was sinking in over my head being busy serving in the programs, I was not home for my family, I was out 3 or 4 nights a week with church stuff. I had absolutely no time to make any nonchristain friends to evangelize, I was tired, I was feeling stressed, I was not growing in Jesus. Had not tie to read my bible, I was never home. Had not time to pray as I was at all the events. So to help me grow, I attended more and more discipleship programs and bible studies designed to help me.... Nothing seemed to help. I was sinking brothers and sisters. Then I realized, I don't need to fill my life with all this stuff to Grow in Jesus, I need time with Jesus, to grow in Jesus. So I stripped most of it away."

 Can I hear and Amen Brother! Nope!

"Let go, or be dragged?  I think it goes both ways for the Church Institution.

1. I have to let go of you:  Or I could be a burden to you doing church that way. Out of love I try to stay with you, but because I have simplified my life, I no longer go that speed, I'm like a dead weight to you, and you find me frustrating.

2. You have to let go of me:   I feel it's time to go, but you won't let me go. You keep your hands on me, dragging me back, dragging me away from this silly new path, Draggin me back to this kind of church experience. By doing so you only further damage my body and soul, being dragged hurts me.

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