"When you begin to think outside the box, you often become some other "leaders" lousy follower. That usually costs something" (Andy Rayner)

"Our guardian angels are bored." (Mike Foster)

It's where I feel I'm at these days. “In the second half of life, it is good just to be a part of the general dance. We do not have to stand out, make defining moves, or be better than anyone else on the dance floor. Life is more participatory than assertive, and there is no need for strong or further self-definition” (Falling Upward. Richard Rohr.120).

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Working With One Who will also work with one!

"How long will it take to reach the world through multiplication? If any one Christian alive today were to lead just one person to Christ every year and disciple that person so that he or she would, in turn, do the same the next year, it would take only about 35 years to reach entire world for Christ!.... If every Christian alive today were tp reproduce in the same way, the world would be won to Christ in the next 2 to 4 years. What if all of us decided to put everything else aside and for just the next few years focus on truly discipling another in a manner that multiplies? We could finish the great commission in just a few years!"
(Neil Cole. Organic Leadership. 2009, Baker books, pg 278)

AJR The Roaming Nomad

Vote for Dispensable Leadership

"In a day when top leaders are seen as indispensable, I have ambition to be the very opposite. I have come to believe that the real role of a leader who has died to self is to equip others so that he or she is no longer necessary. If I do my job right, even my role will no longer be needed."
(Neil Cole. Organic Leadership. 2009, Baker books, pg 275)

AJR The Roaming Nomad

Life Support As A Church Witness!

"In every city of America there is at least one church with a building worth hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of dollars. This church meets every Sunday morning with only eight or ten silver haired women and one or two balding gentleman for a 'service'. They sing a humn or two, one of the stately gentleman shares a few opinions of things in the world today, they say a prayer, repeat amen, and then go home.
Empty parking spaces, silent pulpits, and dusty pews cry out for days of glory gone by. The church has been dead for years, perhaps decades, but has been kept alive unnaturally by an artificial life-support system. The soul is gone, brain waves of ceased, but mechanization keeps the lungs breathing, the heart beating, and the door opening every Sunday morning at precisely 10 AM
Why does this happen? We are so desperately afraid to admit failure that we will keep a church alive as long as we can. It is as if the continuity of Christianity depends on this one church staying open. If the church dies, God has failed, and we cannot allow back. Why are we so desperate to keep churches going?......

I don't know how it happened, but sometime in history we bought into a theology of safe. We think we should do what is safe, for ourselves, for our families, and for our churches. We are convinced that anything that is on safe must be inside of gods will and it's still early on American and Christian.

(Neil Cole. Organic Leadership. 2009, Baker books, pg 270)

AJR The Roaming Nomad

Safe Faith!

" I don't know how it happened, but sometime in history we bought into a theology of safe. We think we should do what is safe, for ourselves, for our families, and for our churches. We are convinced that anything that is on safe must be inside of gods will and it's still early on American and Christian.

(Neil Cole. Organic Leadership. 2009, Baker books, pg 270)

AJR The Roaming Nomad

Simple in structure and design.

I think this applies to all strategies and methodology used by NGO's Churches, and organizations.

"Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." Antoine de Saint Exupéry

AJR The Roaming Nomad

Educated Beyond our Obedience.

"'Neo, sooner or later you are going to realize just as I did there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.' (Morpheus-The Matrix) Many of us in the Christian church today need to hear that there is a difference between knowing the path and walking. We are very adept at knowing the path, just not so strong at walking. Most Christians in the West are educated beyond their obedience. More education is not what we need. We need more obedience to what we already know. The problem is that we have convinced ourselves that knowledge is the key to maturity and growth....... knowing something is not nearly as potent as doing something with what you know.

(Neil Cole. Organic Leadership. 2009, Baker books, pg 208)
AJR The Roaming Nomad


"It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." Andrew J Holmes

AJR The Roaming Nomad


"Holding a grudge is letting someone live rent-free in your head."

AJR The Roaming Nomad

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lip Service To Servant Leadership.

"We tend to think we need leaders who serve, but really we need servants who lead. Servanthood is not an adjective to describe a good leader, as if it is one of many qualities of a good leader. Servanthood what is what we need, even more than leadership. Leadership is just a function for the servant. The servant leads others in the path of being a servant....." Organic Leadership. Neil Cole. P 204, 2009, Baker books)

AJR The Roaming Nomad

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Least Reachable

"I believe that we focus a good deal of our resources and efforts to reach the least reachable, rather than the least reached..." -- Neil Cole

Can Jesus Make Leaders Without our Leadership Development Program?

May it be said of me that "I took men to Jesus and left them there." George Fox

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Examined Life

"The unexamined life is not worth living." Socrates

Saturday, September 10, 2011

New Kind Of Christian Worker Required

"The kingdom of God is in desperate need of a new kind of Christian worker. A worker who is honest, non-legalistic, non-elitist, nonsectarian, nonreligious, and who refuses to play religious games. A worker who will not fold like an accordion under the pressure of insults, ridicule, criticism, false rumor, character smears, spin, and slander, but one who can survive the fire. A worker who is not in the ministry for money, game, or fame, but who serves the Lord day and night, spilling his insides, giving and dying for the kingdom of God."

(Finding Organic Church. Frank Viola. David C. Cook, 2010, page 314)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Needless Barriers!

"We can hold this goal as the minimal achievement within every people in order to give a realistic op-portunity for everyone in that people group to say “yes” to Jesus Christ and His kingdom, without adding cultural barriers to the already steep spiritual demands of the gospel."
Ralph Winter finishing the task. Perspectives Pg 538