"When you begin to think outside the box, you often become some other "leaders" lousy follower. That usually costs something" (Andy Rayner)

"Our guardian angels are bored." (Mike Foster)

It's where I feel I'm at these days. “In the second half of life, it is good just to be a part of the general dance. We do not have to stand out, make defining moves, or be better than anyone else on the dance floor. Life is more participatory than assertive, and there is no need for strong or further self-definition” (Falling Upward. Richard Rohr.120).

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Itty Bitty World!

I stumbled across this picture on the web today.

I was on the back of a moped with a Malian man, in Mali West Africa, who drove me around while I was researching the Banka people. I tapped him on the shoulder to pull over by this sign, and we had a great conversation right here by this sign in the town of Sikasso.

What are the chances that I would stumble on this picture from Africa on the web and be able to say;“I stood by that sign.”? Who took the picture of the sign? Why is it posted on the web? Beats me!

What a itty bitty world!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Synonym Is The Spice of Life!

I love cinnamon, and love has a synonym.

At six am this morning, Ben, Ted ,Tim and myself (missed you sweetie Lynn) arrived at the Rodd Mill River Resort aquaplex to swim, play Marco Polo tag, and of course, instigate the usual roughhousing that guys do. We were all alone in the pool for over an hour until it came time to head home and begin another day of school and office work.

The best "synonym" for love is time. Love means spending time talking, visiting, praying, playing, serving, or thinking about other people. The best cinnamon is in Lynn's apple pie (YEEEUUMMM!), while the best "Synonym" for love is time.
The Boys gave me some "synonym" today. They could have chosen to do something, anything, else. But this morning, they chose to spend time with their "dear-old-fat-getting gray-tired-Dad”. Thanks for the “synonym” of love boys. Your "synonym" is the spice of my life.


Sunday, November 26, 2006

My Kids Are Nuts!

Lynn & I were relaxing in our room (The kids help themselves to supper every Sunday evening) and this note appeared as it was slid under the door:

"King Arthur, we lacketh of food in the graineries"

Signed: Knights of the round tabel

Can't help but laugh and love them.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Where in the World?

Well, it is the question of my life. It seems that I have been asking this question incessantly for the last 20 years . It has lead me to several provinces in Canada, living in West Africa for 5 years, back to PEI. Then once again back to Ivory Coast, Ghana and Mali in Africa again. But I'm still living here on PEI. I still find myself contemplating this question every day. The 3rd world (2/3 world - as most call it these days - the 3rd world is 2/3 of the world) still has this draw on my heart that never lets go. So I am still asking; "Where in the world?"

However, these past two years I have found a little more peace in this piece of the world. I have been exploring our island by Kayak.
In the late evenings, and on storm days (When I am not working at sea),

I managed to paddled well over 400 miles in various bays, estuaries, rivers, and along the open coasts of PEI. I also started to do some over night hiking, but that has not materialized as much as I like yet.
The scenery was great, the solitude refreshing. Above all, I got time to think about what I do, want to do, should do, and where in the world God wants me to do all these things - if any of them.

During those first long solitary miles, I had to shake the feeling that I was wasting precious time. I also had to shake feeling bad that my sweetie could not come with me more often. However, there was still something inside me that just needed to do this; it was my mission, my adventure, not Lynn's. However, as I paddled or hiked mile after miIe, I began to realize something. Until I know the answer to the question, "Where in the World?". The only way I can keep hopeful and sane in this part of the world, is to explore this small part, until the answer comes.