"When you begin to think outside the box, you often become some other "leaders" lousy follower. That usually costs something" (Andy Rayner)

"Our guardian angels are bored." (Mike Foster)

It's where I feel I'm at these days. “In the second half of life, it is good just to be a part of the general dance. We do not have to stand out, make defining moves, or be better than anyone else on the dance floor. Life is more participatory than assertive, and there is no need for strong or further self-definition” (Falling Upward. Richard Rohr.120).

Friday, October 30, 2020

Morally Superior Politician?

“I cannot accept the argument that a calm man who affirms the dismembering of babies in the womb has a superior character to a man who rants like Genghis Khan but acts to preserve that life. In my ideal world, I would vote for a candidate in whom the personal, the principled, and the practical earn my admiration. I do not live in that world. I live in this world, and I must act accordingly.”

—Al Mohler, on his rationale for switching to Trump in 2020

Thursday, October 29, 2020

What Are We Returning?

"As Christians, we can live on one of three levels. We can return evil for good, which is the satanic level. We can return good for good and evil for evil, which is the human level. Or, we can return good for evil, which is the divine level.”  
Warren Weirsbe

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

I Forgot Something!

"If I were called upon to identify briefly the principal trait of the entire twentieth century, here too, I would be unable to find anything more precise and pithy than to repeat once again: Men have forgotten God.” 

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyne

Monday, October 26, 2020

Jesus Please Fit In My Ideas

"As always in Christian theology, we have to start with Jesus and reconfigure our ideas around him, rather than trying to fit him into our existing worldviews."

- N.T. Wright. The Day The Revolution Began.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Deliver Us While Still In Bed

I laughed out loud....

"We would like for God to deliver us while we are all still in bed. "

"Have you been reading your Bibles for so long and not yet learned that God loves to take His children to the brink? God takes the Israelites down to the edge of the water before He divides the sea. God takes Abraham to the point of an upraised sacrificial knife so that we might all learn to say on the mount of the Lord it will be provided. God takes the disciples to the point where their boat was foundering before Christ acted on their behalf.
We would like for God to deliver us while we are all still in bed. We would like to avoid the long trek to Moriah. We would like to meditate on what Christ could do if He wanted, and have our meditations take place while tied up to the dock. But that, alas for our comforts, is not the lesson that God in engaged in teaching us."
- Doug Wilson

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Biblical Solitude Is Not Solitude

"On several occasions we find Jesus retreating from the crowd simply to be alone. But the evidence suggests that he was doing more than simply seeking a little peace and quiet. Instead we find him withdrawing from the business of his ministry to be alone with God. This is the classic definition of solitude - not being alone, but withdrawing from the everyday stuff of life to be alone with the father."

- Dr Leslie Hardin. The Spirituality of Jesus Solitude, quiet

Conduit Of The Spirit

"..... we can think about prayer, along with the twentieth-century theologian Karl Barth, as a quest, a journey toward God to ask him for strength and courage to help us be obedient to his will. The Gospels portray Jesus in just this way. Granted, his "journey" toward the Father was not the same as ours, for he was
"the one who came from heaven": (John 3:13 ) and his communication with the Father was not about his seeking salvation but about keeping open the conduit of the Spirit."

- Leslie Hardin. The Spirituality of Jesus

Sometimes Silence!

Contrasting the KJV style and language prayers of his grandfather, with that of his early youth and camp workers views on prayer. The two extremes. 

"As I matured, I realised that not everything in the depths of my heart and mind should be expressed in the presence of the the Almighty."

-  Leslie Hardin. The Spirituality of Jesus

Talked About - But Rarely Undertaken?

"Prayer often seems like a deep mystery.
Judging by the number of books that have appeared in Christian history on
the subject of prayer, it is apparently easier explained than practiced."

- Les Hardin. The Spirituality of Jesus

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Civil World?

Jesus came to be King, inaugerating his own kingdom. He did not restore, revitalize, or redeem any earthly one.
Though his people infiltrate the earthly ones.
There is no earthly nation that will endure when he comes.
The earth will be purified by fire.
We can make the world more civil... but we cannot make it more eternal and eduring.

Written in 1988. James Sauer.

Traditional justice assumes a fallen, and permanently imperfect world where law is needed in order to encourage virtue and limit vice. For this reason, traditional justice relies on moral structures: family, civil force, church, constitution—in order to maintain just order. Since man is fallen, it recognizes that mere abstractions and ideals cannot govern man; but personal relationships, social duties, and civil authority, informed by Scripture and the Holy Spirit, must restrain his evil. Traditional justice is an unending process and is profoundly anti-Utopian. There will never be a point on this side of eternity when law will not be needed. The best world that the traditional justice view can create is a world where human beings are safe and free to conduct themselves together in an orderly fashion, pursuing their God-given gifts, and restraining their sinful tendencies. It is not a perfect world—it is a world with warts. But it is a world where one can be happy, productive, free, and content. Even if it is a world where one must inevitably suffer and die.
The social justice view is a new and radical view of the nature of justice. It is the common view of all left-of-center ideological positions. It is “end centered”—what Sobran, and others, call teleocratic. What matters in such a justice worldview is the end; the ideal, the vision of the future world. It is in this emerging world order where the social justice advocate sees true justice. Our task, he believes, is to bring about a new order of things. We are to judge all current systems by the end desired. Our duty is not to “revealed law” or even “natural” laws, but to revolutionary goals and to the vehicles that bring those goals about. The vehicles are usually a party, or a bureaucracy, or an army—but always statist. The old definitions of order and justice are made obsolete by the new vision: property rights give ground to “just

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


“War is not the vilest form of evil, not the most evil of evils. An unjust trial, for instance, that scalds the outraged heart, is viler.”


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

"There really is joy with God, with Christ! Do believe it. But each person must walk this way alone—or rather, God draws each person onto it individually. Only prayers and the encouragement of others can accompany us along this way."

Dietrich Bonhoeffer  

Friday, October 9, 2020

When You Are The Police

"Antifa and BLM are not showing us their intention of abolishing the police. They are showing how they intend to behave when they are the police. "

- Douglas Wilson

Admirer, Or Follower?

"The admirer never makes any true sacrifices. He always plays it safe. Though in words, phrases, songs, he is inexhaustible about how highly he prizes Christ, he renounces nothing, will not reconstruct his life, and will not let his life express what it is he supposedly admires. Not so for the follower. No, no.

The follower aspires with all his strength to be what he admires. And then, remarkably enough, even though he is living amongst a “Christian people,” he incurs the same peril as he did when it was dangerous to openly confess Christ."


How Real Christian Servants Speak. Mission, missions

"I made a commitment. If you make a commitment, see it through to the end! If not, if you loose your purpose, you lose your reason to live on this earth."

"Don't give too much importance to death, because we don't know where, when or how it will happen."
Sophie Petronin

Sophie Petronin
Hostage taken by AQIM Al-Qaeda in Mali. Taken in Gao, Dec 24th! 2016. Free October 6th 2020.
Her words after arriving in Bamako

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

How Deep is Evil Ugly?

Things you can't share on Facebook. 

"Sober or drunk? Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly & evil go all the way to the bone!"

Twitter comment about Canadian politician who attended an auction off bride wedding.

Hell or Not Hell

“I have met no people who fully disbelieved in hell and also had a living and life-giving belief in Heaven”

Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer).

The biblical teaching on both destinations stands or falls together. When heaven and hell are spoken of in Scripture, each place is portrayed as being just as real and, in some passages anyway, as permanent as the other.

Thy Will Be Done - Times Two

“There are only two kinds of people in the end:
those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’
and those to whom God says, in the end,
‘Thy will be done.’

- C.S. Lewis. The Great Divorce