"When you begin to think outside the box, you often become some other "leaders" lousy follower. That usually costs something" (Andy Rayner)

"Our guardian angels are bored." (Mike Foster)

It's where I feel I'm at these days. “In the second half of life, it is good just to be a part of the general dance. We do not have to stand out, make defining moves, or be better than anyone else on the dance floor. Life is more participatory than assertive, and there is no need for strong or further self-definition” (Falling Upward. Richard Rohr.120).

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Those Who Avoid Philosophy Wear Themselves Out In Useless Pursuits

"Next our freeborn lad ought to go in for a course of what is called general knowledge, but a smattering of this will be sufficient, a taste as it were (for perfect knowledge of all subjects would be impossible); but he must seriously cultivate philosophy. I borrow an illustration to show my meaning: it is well to sail round many cities, but advantageous to live in the best. It was a witty remark of the philosopher Bion, that, as those suitors who could not seduce Penelope took up with her maids as a pis aller, so those who cannot attain philosophy wear themselves out in useless pursuits. Philosophy, therefore, ought to be regarded as the most important branch of study. For as regards the cure of the body, men have found two branches, medicine and exercise: the former of which gives health, and the latter good condition of body; but philosophy is the only cure for the maladies and disorders of the soul. For with her as ruler and guide we can know what is honourable, what is disgraceful; what is just, what unjust; generally speaking, what is to be sought after, what to be avoided; how we ought to behave to the gods, to parents, to elders, to the laws, to foreigners, to rulers, to friends, to women, to children,......  that we ought to worship the gods, honour parents, reverence elders, obey the laws, submit ourselves to rulers, love our friends, be chaste in our relations with women, kind to our children, and not to treat our slaves badly; and, what is of the greatest importance, to be neither over elated in prosperity nor over depressed in adversity,  nor to be dissolute in pleasures, nor fierce and brutish in anger. These I regard as the principal blessings that philosophy teaches. For to enjoy prosperity nobly shows a man; and to enjoy it without exciting envy shows a moderate man; and to conquer the passions by reason argues a wise man; and it is not everybody who can keep his temper in control."

Plutarch. Plutarch's Morals. 1st Century Greek Philosopher, Roman Citizens, and Priest of Apollo and Guardian of the Oracle of Delphi, 

George Washington Was Baptized Twice, But Once!

Biblical words actually have precise meaning at times. 
It may come as a surprise to many to know that George Washington was twice baptized. According to his mother's Bible, he was baptized (Christened by Sprinkling) when he was not quite two years old… This baptism was in the orthodox Episcopal manner, and when he reached the age of thirty - three he took an oath to conform to the doctrine of the Church of England.   
  During Washington's life a strong wave of evangelicalism swept the Methodist and Baptist faiths, and it was during this period that he remarked to John Gano, Chaplain in the Continental Army, “I have been investigating the Scripture and I believe immersion to be the baptism taught in the Word of God, and I demand it at your hands. I do not wish any parade made or the Army called out, but simply a quiet demonstration of the ordinance.”
  Accordingly, George Washington was immersed in the Potomac in the presence of forty - two witnesses.
  John Gano was, at the time, a Baptist Minister and remains so all his life. His son, also named John, became a preacher in the Church of Christ in the early days of the Restoration Movement, and his son R.M. Gano, became a highly successful and popular preacher. He was an early leader in the church in Dallas and is said to have baptized 1000s of converts in his long ministry."

Avoid Developing An Imprudent or Servile Soul?

"I am also of the same opinion with regard to the disposition of the soul, which ought to be neither audacious nor timid and easily dejected: for the one ends in impudence and the other in servility; but to keep in all things the mean between extremes is artistic and proper."

Plutarch, Plutarch's Morals.  1st Centuray AD Greek Philosopher.

Venturesome Speech Is Preferred Over Bombastic Speech

"I advise to avoid stilted and bombastic language, so again do I urge to avoid a finical and petty style of speech; for tall talk is unpopular, and petty language makes no impression. And as the body ought to be not only sound but in good condition, so speech ought to be not only not feeble but vigorous. For a safe mediocrity is indeed praised, but a bold venturesomeness is also admired."

Plutarch, Plutarch's Morals.  1st Centuray AD Greek Philosopher.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Foundation Of All Violence and Posturing

In the early medieval period, to Christian philosophers at the monastery of St. Victor in Paris had names for these three ways of seeing, and these names had a great influence on Scholars and seekers in the western tradition. Hugh of St. Victor (1078 - 1141) and Richard of St. Victot (1223 - 1173) wrote that humanity was given three different sets of eyes, each building on the previous one. The first eye was the eye of the flesh (thought or sight), the second was the eye of reason (meditation or reflection), and the third eye was the eye of true understanding (contemplation).

I cannot emphasize strongly enough that the separation and loss of these three necessary offices that the basis of much of the short-sightedness and religious crises of the Western World. Lacking such wisdom, it is very difficult for churches, government, and leaders to move deyond ego. The desire for control, and public posture. Everything divides into opposition such as liberal versus conservative, with vested interest pulling against one another. Truth is no longer possible at this level of conversation.  Even theology becomes more a quest for power than a search for God and mystery.

One wonders how far are spiritual and political leaders can genuinely lead us without some degree of mystical seeing and action. It is hardly an exaggeration to say that "us-and-them" seeing, and the dualistic thinking that results, is the foundation of almost all this content and violence in the world."

(Richard Rohr. The Naked Now)

What Change Looks like

"....  but they know not to confuse knowledge  with depth or mere correct information with the transformation of consciousness itself."

-Richard Rohr

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Can We Breath God's Name?

Yahweh –  It was considered a literally unspeakable word for Jews……formally the word was not spoken at a;;, but breathed! Many are convinced that its correct pronunciation is an attempt to replicate and imitate the very sounds of inhalation and exhalation. The one thing we do every moment of our lives is therefore to speak the name of God. This makes it our first and our last word as we enter and leave this world…….
I remind people that there is no Islamic, Christian, or Jewish way of breathing. There is no rich or poor way of breathing. The playing field is utterly leveled. The air of the earth is one and the same air, and this divine wind “blows where it will” (John 3:8) – which appears to be everywhere. No one and no religion can control this spirit. 

– Richard Rohr. The Naked Now