"When you begin to think outside the box, you often become some other "leaders" lousy follower. That usually costs something" (Andy Rayner)

"Our guardian angels are bored." (Mike Foster)

It's where I feel I'm at these days. “In the second half of life, it is good just to be a part of the general dance. We do not have to stand out, make defining moves, or be better than anyone else on the dance floor. Life is more participatory than assertive, and there is no need for strong or further self-definition” (Falling Upward. Richard Rohr.120).

Monday, August 18, 2008

How Poor can a Poor Person Be?

"A recent report in the Guardian newspaper says that already more people are eating locally made mud cakes literally patties made of mud to alleviate hunger pains. ‘Traditionally, pregnant women eat the clay patties to try and get more iron in their system, but children are eating them too- Dr. John Carroll, who’s spent much of the past 27 years working in children’s clinics in Haiti, says the next blow may be a water crisis. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are water riots in the future because of a lack of clean water for the vast majority of Haitians, he says."
(Maclean’s, August 18th,2008, “Dirt Poor Eating Mud to Survive”, pp.30)

Long Live Canadian Imperialism!

Well someone had the great idea of introducing the Canadian Beaver into wild Russia. And surprisingly they adapted well. Too well! They are damming up the whole country it seems. Causing massive problems. In response to the news as delivered in Maclean's mag, two people rote in- WAY to FUNNY read Both. The second is priceless. Long Live Canadian Imperialism!

"NATIONAL PRIDE swelled inside me and my hand went over my heart when I read Malcolm Gray’s story about Canadian beavers chomping their way across Russia (Ivan, what’s that chewing sound? Nature, July 28). Our imperialist little rodents are can’ing a legacy worthy of us putting them on our nickels. I am sure it is not funny for the Finns, Russians and Argentineans, but it does show our beavers are the best. All hail the mighty Canadian beaver and its conquering of the world.
Glen Davis, Carleton Place, Ont."

THANKS FOR the article on the pesky Canadian beaver threatening Moscow. Do you think they’re onto us? All over the world Canucks meet in clandestine corners plotting how we can take over the world using beavers. Phase one: Moscow and Argentina. Phase two: Washington, London and Madrid. After that, the most devastating. Phase three: we clip the flight feathers of Canada geese and place them in downtown parks in foreign cities. Soon Canadian icons will be everywhere. Today, the Great White North, tomorrow, the world! Owen Thornton, London, Ont.
(Maclean’s, August 18th,2008, Comments )

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So Hungry you will eat Mud?

"A recent report in the Guardian newspaper says that already more people are eating locally made mud cakes literally patties made of mud to alleviate hunger pains. ‘Traditionally, pregnant women eat the clay patties to try and get more iron in their system, but children are eating them too- Dr. John Carroll, who’s spent much of the past 27 years working in children’s clinics in Haiti, says the next blow may be a water crisis. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are water riots in the future because of a lack of clean water for the vast majority of Haitians, he says."
(Maclean’s, August 18th,2008, “Dirt Poor Eating Mud to Survive”, pp.30)

Marriage Helps our Mental Function?

I thought this was interesting. A Letter to the Editor of Maclean's Mag.

"In the previous issue of Maclean’s, Harvard University professor Mark O’Connell explained why marriage, though difficult at times, is worth all the effort both emotionally and economically. Married couples, he said, are a positive force for society. They reduce poverty, produce law-abiding children, and live longer than singletons. But if you’re still not convinced that a wedding is for you, here’s another perk: marriage is good for the brain. According to Swedish researchers, living with a spouse decreases your risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. In fact, people who never marry and live alone are twice as likely to develop dementia, and those who divorce in middle age face three times the risk. So cherish your partners. They may drive you nuts, but not necessarily to the nuthouse."

(Maclean’s, August 18th,2008, )

Friday, August 8, 2008

Ever Feel like this? Humbling!

"Some people say we need twenty years of experience. But often twenty years' experience is really just one year, repeated twenty times, with no better results after the twentieth year then the first!"
(Fruitful Practices, Don Allen. Mission Frontiers, July -August 2008, pp.7)